Idol Chit-Chat
This is your place to discuss all things "American Idol." The performances, the judges, the past contestants — it’s all right here.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Top 12 Girls: Who's Going Through?

So when my husband watched the recap, he said, “Well as far as legs go”…

Yes, looks really did dominate the show tonight, but there were some solid performances as well. However, I’m still a little traumatized by Haley’s “Sweet Dreams” performance. Annie Lennox is always my artist of choice whenever I perform, so I genuinely hope that I sound better than that. Feel free to agree with me if you’ve heard me. It will seriously help my self esteem…

So, who’s going through? Just like with the guys, I see three girls who are definitely going through. One girl on the fence and the fifth spot up for grabs…

In the definite category, I would put Skylar Laine, Shannon Magrane and Jessica Sanchez. Jen Hirsh is a little borderline. But that fifth spot is up for grabs between Elise Testone and Hollie Cavanaugh. If either Elise or Hollie don’t get in on votes, they’ll most likely get a Wild Card.

Interestingly, the “Idol” promo tonight said six girls would survive. Was that a mistake or does one of the Wild Cards have to be a girl? Hmmm…

The Wild Card in the voting is definitely Baylie Brown. Her performance was weak, but it’s hard to deny how beautiful she is. And it wouldn’t be the first time beauty won out over talent…

What do you guys think? Who’s going through? And do you think the girls were better than the guys?


Top 12 Girls: Elise Does Adele...Again

Elise Testone, “One and Only”: 16

I like Elise and I think she has a great voice, but I’m a little disappointed that she sang the same song she has sung EVERY time they’ve put a microphone in front of her. Especially since someone else already sang it tonight. And the piano at the beginning kept her from connecting with it more…

Top 12 Girls: Jessica Sanchez Brings It

Jessica Sanchez, “Love You I Do”: 19

What does she sound like when her voice is healthy? Wow, that was good. A touch shaky at the beginning—probably because she was worried—but man, did she work it out.

Top 12 Girls: Shannon Lights Our World

Shannon Magrane, “Go Light Your World”: 18

First of all, kudos to Shannon for bringing contemporary Christian back to the “Idol” stage. That was gorgeous and she looked gorgeous as well.

Top 12 Girls: Haley Butchers My Fave

Haley Johnson, “Sweet Dreams”: 11

I was so psyched when Nigel tweeted that Haley was doing Annie Lennox, but that was ATROCIOUS! Why didn’t she just sing the melody? You butcher my beloved Annie Lennox, you will feel my wrath!

And kudos to Randy for having the guts to come out and say it was a nightmare. Mad props, dawg!

Top 12 Girls: Hollie Works It Out

Hollie Cavanaugh, “Reflection” 16

The beginning was pretty weak, but she definitely worked it out. The final chorus was outstanding.

Top 12 Girls: Baylie Falls Flat

Baylie Brown, “Amazed”: 13

Even Nigel Lythgoe tweeted that she sounded flat. This was just off through the whole song. Of course, if all the guys out there are like my husband, they weren’t paying any attention to her voice…

Top 12 Girls: Skylar Shows Us How It's Done

Skylar Laine, “Stay With Me”: 18

That was how it’s done. I love that she went with something a little different from her usual Reba country. Not sure about her little spaz move, but I love that she left it all out on the stage. She’s a lock for the Top 13…

Top 12 Girls: Hallie Is "Feeling Good"

Hallie Day, “Feeling Good”: 15

There’s something about this I just didn’t like. I think it needed to get to the faster part sooner. The slow part was too long for me. Or maybe I’ve heard Jennifer Hudson sing this one way too many times.

After the break…

Top 12 Girls: Brielle Takes the Stage

Brielle Von Hugel, “Sittin’ On the Dock of the Bay”: 14

That was a terrible song choice. As my husband just said, she’s not soulful enough to pull that song off. She stayed in the lower register way too long.

My question is, why are the judges pushing her down our throats so hard?

After the break…

Top 12 Girls: Jen Brings Out the Adele

Jen Hirsh, “One and Only”: 18

There were a few week notes, but the majority of the performance was solid. And if you’re going with Adele, don’t go with one that’s on the radio constantly.

And I’m not sure why Ryan is asking Randy to compare the guys and the girls after only three performances, but I totally agree with Randy that they were a little lenient on some of the guys last night. Nice that he can admit that…

Top 12 Girls: Erika Shows Some Heart

Erika Van Pelt, “What About Love”: 17

I thought that was a fantastic choice, but it needed just a little more rasp and edge.

Is anyone else thinking about those darn Swiffer commercials right now?

After the break…

Top 12 Girls: Chelsea Makes a Bad Choice

Has it really been five years since a girl won this thing? Wow…

Let’s see what this year’s crop can do…

Chelsea Sorrell, “Cowboy Cassanova”: 14

This was a terrible song choice. You should never pick a Carrie Underwood song as your very first live performance song (And yes, that means I agree with Randy.). And I thought it was a little too karaoke.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Top 13 Guys: Who's Going Through?

So, who’s going through?

This is a SERIOUSLY tough question tonight. Remember it’s about who makes the top, not who’s in the bottom. The top five vote-getters will go through.

So let me break it down this way. Here are the people I think will definitely go through:

1) Jermaine Jones. After all the attention he got and the audience reaction and the whole reveal thing, there’s no way he doesn’t go through.

2) Heejun Han. I think he’s way too popular to go home now.

3) Joshua Ledet. He brought down the house tonight and deserves a spot in the Top 13. If for some strange reason he doesn’t make it, he’s a lock for a Wild Card.

4) Creighton Fraker. This is the only one I slightly wavered on—not because I don’t think he deserves it but because I’m not sure he’s flashy enough.

And the 5th spot? That thing is totally up for grabs, but I’d give the edge to Reed Grimm, just because of his popularity during the Hollywood Rounds.

So does that mean I don’t think Chase will make it? Not at all. Country fans are a loyal bunch and Chase is the only one who sang country tonight. He’s definitely got the looks going for him and he was memorable tonight because his song was so different.

My concern is that Chase will need to make it through on votes because I’m not sure that the show will want to go down the male country road again and give him a Wild Card. Or maybe they will because he’s the only country guy…


What do you guys think? Who do you think is going through?

And while you discuss it, I need to go vote for Chase…

Top 13 Guys: And the 13th Guy Is...

And the mystery 13th guy is…

Of course, it’s Jermaine Jones—as I predicted. And the other guys seem happy to see him. Remember they didn’t know either…

Jermaine Jones, “Dance With My Father”: 15

A standing ovation? Seriously? Nothing about that performance changed my mind about the judges making the right decision originally. His pitch was all over the place. But let’s face it. He could’ve sang the phonebook and he’d still get voted through tonight…

Final thoughts in a few...

Top 13 Guys: The First Perfect Score of the Season

Joshua Ledet, “You Pulled Me Through”: 20

That, my friends, is how it’s done. Not a big fan of the song, but there’s no doubt he sang the crap out of it. And he totally deserved that standing ovation the judges gave him.

Why can’t they just end the episode now? Do we really need this whole 13th guy thing?

We’ll find out after the break…

Top 13 Guys: Heejun Takes the Stage!

#Heejunism Alert: “I’m going to show everyone tonight that Asian Americans can do more than just get high SAT scores.” I LOVE him!!!

Heejun Han, “Angels”: 18

I love this guy. So much in fact I may have to throw a few votes his way tonight. I don’t know why the judges thought it was a bad song choice. I thought it was a good one. But I think he could’ve benefitted from some Jon Secada as well…

After the break...

Top 13 Guys: Chase, Creighton, Phillip and Eben

Okay. Let's catch up...

Chase Likens, “Storm Warning”: 18

Okay, I might be a little prejudiced here, but it was nice to finally have some energy on the show tonight. And I loved his kick over the girl’s hands. And yes, the judges were right. He did look good…

And so did the Marshall campus, by the way…

Creighton Fraker, “True Colors”: 19

This was a perfect song choice and he nailed it. His voice is gorgeous. There’s not much more to say than that…

Phillip Phillips, “In the Air Tonight”: 17

Maybe I’m just in a better mood than I was in the beginning because I liked this reworking much better than Reed’s version of “Moves Like Jagger.” The moody video behind him helped out too.

Eben Franckewitz, “Set Fire to the Rain”: 13

Remember what I said about current songs being dangerous? Well this one just burnt Eben. That was a weak version of a song by a singer everyone knows is amazing. He definitely should have gone with something a little more youth friendly…

Top 13 Guys: Aaron Marcellus Takes the Stage

#Tylerism Alert: “I’m as confused as a baby in a topless bar.”

Aaron Marcellus, “Never Can Say Goodbye”: 16

Again, I didn’t feel any energy from Aaron until the end. I think he should have gone with a smoother groove type song. This one was too old school.

A standing ovation. Seriously?!

I'll be back...

Top 13 Guys: Jeremy Tries To Defy "Gravity"

We're back...

Jeremy Rosado, “Gravity”: 15

I think Jeremy has a beautiful voice, but that song really didn’t show it off for me. I agree with going with a ballad, but I would’ve loved to have heard some Jon Secada. I know he probably doesn’t know who that is, but it would’ve worked…

After the break, Aaron and Chase. I will post my thoughts on Aaron and then I’ll step out for a moment to cover Chase. But I’ll be back…

Top 13 Guys: Colton Rocks Out?

We’re back…

Colton Dixon, “Decode”: 15

I’m not sure what the shock was that Colton promised us tonight, unless he was talking about his James Durbin impersonation getting up on the piano. I didn’t think the harder part really showcased his voice enough.

Maybe I’m just so out of practice with this that I’m forgetting how to rate these guys…

Top 13 Guys: What Show Am I Watching?

DeAndre Brackensick, “Reasons”: 15

We learned another “Idol” lesson tonight. Don’t start out your very first live performance on national TV with a falsetto. Too much room for error. And DeAndre had plenty of error. It was incredibly shaky. He worked some of it out, but I don’t think he ever overcame that beginning, no matter what the judges thought. In fact, I’m not really sure what they were listening to…

And someone is going to have to tell Steven to stop talking when JLo is supposed to…

After the break, Colton Dixon…

I’m starting to think I’m not watching the same show as everyone else…

Top 13 Guys: I Am Getting Harsh!

We’re back…

Adam Brock, “Think”: 15

I like Adam. I really do. But I thought this performance completely lacked energy except for that last note. I would’ve liked for him to show a little more personality.

Man, I am harsh tonight! Of course, a Pittsburgh Steelers Terrible Towel is never going to earn any favor from me…

Top 13 Guys: Did Reed Have the "Moves"?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the first live show is here! And I’m a nervous wreck. No joke…

Nigel just tweeted that the 13th guy is hiding in the bathroom. Seriously?

Just a note that when Chase Likens performs, I’ll have to step away to fulfill my newspaper duties, but I’ll be back ASAP…

I just realized I’m a little out of practice with this thing so bear with me. THIS is “American Idol”…

Oh no! Does the new stage mean the return of the Swaybots? Nooooo!!!

So there will be a Top 13 this season with each judge making a Wild Card pick—same as last year. And this week the contestants could pick any song they wanted to.

We’re also going to be treated to home video from each contestant.

Let’s do this…

Reed Grimm, “Moves Like Jagger”: 16

I like Reed. I really do. But I completely question his song choice here. Current songs are always a bit of a trap and totally altering such a popular song concerns me. Or maybe I’m just REALLY over that song…

And did he actually sing the curse word? Seriously?

Plus, Steven Tyler gets the delay treatment as well. Season one-one is off to an interesting start…

After the break…

On Tonight's Show...

Here’s what we know about tonight’s show…

The 13th man is apparently a surprise to everyone. Here’s what Executive Producer Nigel Lythgoe tweeted: “We’ve cleared the studio so that we keep the surprise of who the judges are bringing back. He has not been able to rehearse with the band yet”…

There is a new “Idol” set and apparently there have been a lot of problems with it today. Nigel tweeted that they were behind in rehearsals and that one of the walls wouldn’t open: “We are so far behind with rehearsals. Setting and lighting problems with the new set. We're using 3D 'mapping' and front projection. Tough”…

And now that we’re only 20 minutes away, let me refresh everyone’s memories on my “Idol” scoresheet…

There are four categories by which I rate each contestant—Vocal Ability, Song Choice, Personality and Stage Presence. Each category is worth a maximum of five points. The four categories are added together for a total score with a maximum of 20 points possible.

I’ll be back in 20…

Who Is the 13th Guy?

Ever since the announcement was made at the end of Thursday’s show, FOX has been touting the big reveal of the 13th male semifinalist…

Is it Jermaine Jones, Richie Law, David Leathers Jr. or Johnny Keyser—who was actually eliminated before the Green Mile episode?

If I was a betting person, I would absolutely lay down money on Jermaine Jones. Jermaine, you may remember, had a pretty emotional breakdown when he was told no by the judges and the judges seemed to feel pretty badly about it. I said at the time it was the right choice—and I still think that—but the judges, or more precisely the show, might have let that guilt get to them. Especially since it seems this whole 13th guy drama was tacked on after the fact. They could have made this decision after reading how popular he was.

Personally, I hate this whole thing. I know that times are different now and “Idol” has to try harder to earn ratings but this just reeks of desperation—especially since “The X Factor” did pretty much the same exact thing with Melanie Amaro. And of course, the guys in the running are two popular contestants (Jermaine and Robert), a hated contestant (Richie) and a total wild card I’m still wondering what happened to in Vegas.

I guarantee if I’m wrong and it’s Richie, you’ll hear me screaming through your computer screens tonight…

What about you? Who do you think the 13th guy will be? And are you as opposed to the whole thing as I am?

And by the way, there's a rumor floating around that there will be a 13th girl added as well. Hmmm...

Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX

Need to Know How to Vote Tonight?

When I was in Point Pleasant last week talking to people there about native son Chase Likens, I had several people ask how to vote since they had never done it before.

Since I'm betting there are many of you in that boat, here are the official voting instructions straight from FOX...

At the end of each performance show, the phone lines will open for at least two hours and AMERICAN IDOL viewers will be able to vote for their favorite contestant(s) via the branded toll-free telephone numbers (1-866-IDOLS-01, -02, etc.). AT&T wireless subscribers can use their cell phones to vote by texting the word “VOTE” to the four-digit short code (5701, 5702, etc.) that corresponds with the contestant of their choice. Additionally, fans will be able to cast their votes online at

To vote online during the voting window, fans should visit and follow the directions. Fans will be required to log in using their Facebook account to access the AMERICAN IDOL voting page, which will feature the name and photo of each of the current contestants. To vote, fans will simply choose their favorite contestant, complete the security verification and submit their choice. After each performance show and during the online voting window, fans may cast up to 50 total online votes for that evening's performances. Only fans with a registered Facebook account in the U.S., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands will be able to cast their vote(s) online.

Remember the show is on for two hours tonight beginning at 8 p.m. on FOX...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Chase Likens Speaks: "They've just had other plans for me"

Friday was a pretty fun day for me. I spent most of the morning and afternoon in Point Pleasant talking to Chase Likens’ family and friends. And then on my way home, in the parking lot of an abandoned gas station, I finally got to talk to Chase Likens himself.

Some of my interview with him ran in Saturday’s “Herald-Dispatch.” But Chase had more to say about his reaction to making the Top 24, not getting a lot of camera time and especially about his family and his friends at Marshall University, where he’s a theater performance junior.

So here is our interview in its entirety…

So we didn’t see very much of your reaction last night. Tell me your reaction when you heard you made the Top 24.

“My eyes were a little glassy what they did show of me. I was overjoyed and so excited and at the same time I just couldn’t believe what was actually happening. It was like, I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone, but the best Twilight Zone you could imagine. What the cameras didn’t get was my disbelief in talking to Steven Tyler afterwards and I just remember repeating myself, are you serious? Because there was a lot riding in that performance and it wasn’t up to my standards as a performance.

I think they’ve just had other plans for me since the beginning. They’ve just decided not to feature me. They do this from year to year. They feature some and they don’t feature others. Kris Allen was never featured until he made the live shows won the show. So it’s not in anyway deterring me that they haven’t featured me. I don’t have as many followers as some of the other contestants but I’m not letting that worry me. I love them all to death.

So sheer joy. The most raw emotion came over me that day when they told me I was making the Top 24.”

You mentioned not getting much camera time. So what do you have to do Tuesday night to really introduce yourself to America?

“It’s a challenge and a blessing at the same time because if they haven’t shown you very much that doesn’t necessarily mean America hates you, it doesn’t necessarily mean America likes you. It’s basically an opportunity for a fresh start next week in giving the audience who I really am. I think what I’m going to try and focus on is the performing aspect because as I and others have noted throughout this whole process, I think my overall stage presence and charisma has been what’s carried me through. Everyone has a voice. That just goes without saying. You have to have a great voice then to a superb voice in this competition to even be where I’m at. So for that alone, I’m blessed. I think what’s going to make me stand out—my charisma, my stage presence. The overall performance aspect of the song that I’m going to do. I think that’s what’s going to help set me apart from everyone else.”

Everyone I talk to says that you are a real cool customer, but just how nerve wracking is this whole process? And having to keep this secret for so long?

“I think that’s what’s been the hardest about the whole process, keeping this secret from all your friends. Not so much family, because I sort of let them know. They were so good about keeping it a secret obviously or I wouldn’t be here. The pressure and the intensity that’s placed on you from week to week, it’s insurmountable to say the least. Some of my friends and colleagues have said that I’m cool when I’m under pressure, that’s a façade in some ways, but in other ways it’s not because I’ve known since last year. I auditioned last year and sadly I got cut in the group round last year. But thankfully this year the group round was what I thought made me stand out, pretty much my shining moment on the show. They didn’t choose to feature that. But you get over something like that.

The overall pressure that comes from this process is unbearable at times, but I know why I’m here and I know what I’m put on this earth to do. And as clichéd as that sounds, it could not ring more true to me than when I’m face to face with 23 of the best singers in the world.”

What do you want to say to your friends and family in Point Pleasant and at Marshall?

There’s something I’ve always wanted to say about Marshall that I haven’t gotten the chance to. I support all of our teams. I’ve never been able to promote that. I support all of our teams. I support our academics. I believe that Marshall is one of the greatest universities in the Tri-State area and I thank them for that. And I thank them for the opportunities that they’ve given me. But most of all I just want to thank friends and family back in my hometown of Point Pleasant and friends and future fans from Marshall for all of their undying love and support that has pretty much gotten me to where I am. Because I’ve done shows all around West Virginia ever since I was a little tot. No matter where I go, be it Huntington or Point Pleasant or Gallipolis, Ohio, people have been so great and appreciative of my music and my sound and what I bring to country music and I will be just forever grateful for that.”

Remember that Chase will perform TOMORROW night (Tuesday) along with the other 11 male semifinalists—and that surprise 13th male semifinalist—beginning at 8 p.m. on FOX…

Photos Credit: Michael Becker/FOX

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Green Mile Part 2: Final Thoughts

Okay, so, I should be all excited about Point Pleasant’s Chase Likens making the Top 24. But instead I’m all confused about what “Idol” is up to…

I can understand them regretting a choice and wanting to correct it. Remember that Simon Cowell did the same thing on “The X Factor” this year with eventual winner Melanie Amaro. But is this real regret or just a weak attempt at grabbing ratings? And what made them regret it? Audience reaction to one of them?

And why involve Johnny who didn’t even make it to the Final Performance or The Green Mile? Or is he just a red herring and it’s actually Jermaine or David. Seriously, it can’t be Richie. That would make me so angry…

I’ll have much more to say tomorrow along with pictures and bio details on your Top 24…

In the meantime, what do you guys think? Were you surprised by any of the cuts? And what do you think of the big twist?

The Green Mile Part 2: There is a Twist After All

We’re back…

9 p.m. WOW! Can you imagine waiting that long?...

David Leathers Jr. and Eben Franckewitz. That’s just so wrong to send in friends like that…I’m still sure it’s David…David Final Performance: “I Want You Back”…Eben’s FP: “You Are So Beautiful to Me”…Yeah, it’s got to be David…JLo tells David he got rocky after his audition…Eben’s in. WHAT?! I did not see that one coming…Randy tells him to come back…I think Steven had a good point about David’s overconfidence making him go sharp and flat….David is dejected and Eben is jumping up and down behind him…Eben finally catches up and gives him a hug…JLo says, “Glad that sh—‘s over”…David says he’ll definitely be back next year…

Time to see the Top 24 dance for the cameras…Boys first on Tuesday…Wednesday it’s the girls…

And it turns out there really is a twist. The judges felt compelled to add another guy and it’s either Jermaine Jones, Richie Law, Johnny Keyser (who was cut in Vegas) or David Leathers. They’re going to reveal which one live Tuesday. Um, no, I have no idea what that means. I’m guessing that was a decision made after the filming because that announcement looked tacked on…

The show ended with Steven stripping off his clothes and jumping in to the water…

I’ll have more to say after I take care of some other obligations…

The Green Mile Part 2: The Girls Are Set

We’re back…Back to Jermaine Jones…JLo said it was a joy to watch him…He’s not in…They tell him they’re going to miss him…Randy tells him to come back…I think that was the right call…Ryan looks like he’s going to cry…Steven says he thought he became a singer to break peoples’ hearts in a good way…JLo is crying…Jermaine hides behind his mother as he walks out…

One spot left for boys and one for the boys…

Ariel Sprague, Shelby Tweten and Hollie Cavanaugh are up next…Hollie’s Final Performance: “Change the World.” I think she’s the one that makes it…And yes, Hollie is in…Tears all the way around…

And the girls are set…

After the break, we set the guys. I’m sure it’s going to be David. And is this shocking piece of news the fact that Steven jumped in the water? We already know about that…

The Green Mile Part 2: A Contestant Cracks

We’re back…DeAndre Brackensick is up next…Final Performance: “This Woman’s Work”…I think he’s in…He made it this far last year…He’s already on the verge of tears…He’s in…

Jermaine Jones is next…Final Performance: “I Believe In You and Me”…It’s a little shaky pitchwise…He cracked in the holding room. How could you not?...If I’m doing the math right, he didn’t make it…

After the break…

The Green Mile Part 2: Did Chase Likens Make It?

We're back...

More contestants eliminated without names…

Skylar Laine is up next. Chelsea Sorrell getting through makes her nervous. I think she’s okay…Final Performance: “Fancy.” JLo did say she reminded her of Reba…It was a little rough…JLo bites her pen…She’s in…She wants to jump in the water, but doesn’t…

And what do you know. They do the next three in a montage. Wow. That’s just wrong…

Hallie Day is in…

Aaron Marcellus is in…

And Chase Likens is in. WOO HOO!...But what is up with the lack of camera time? You’re killing me, “Idol”…

After the break…

The Green Mile Part 2: Is Shannon's Dad Mad at Steven?

We’re back…

Shannon Magrane is up next…She says she’s worried about forgetting her lyrics on Group Day…Recap of her…Final Performance: “The Trouble With Love Is”…I think she’s in…Ryan asks her dad about the “hot, humid and happening” comment. He says everyone told him to wring Steven’s neck…She’s in…After she leaves, Steven says, “Does your daddy still hate me?”…

Scott Dangerfield had to pull out of the competition last year before Hollywood…Final Performance: “Folsom Prison Blues”…Wonder why we haven’t seen more of him?...JLo starts the you didn’t do as well as I thought speech…He’s not in…

After the break, it’s CHASE! WOO HOO! And I’ve got to believe Robert goes in over Eben…

The Green Mile Part 2: Right to the Chase

Without any long dramatic intro, the show just cuts right to the chase tonight. I like that…

6 p.m. and we’re back with Adam Brock. Seriously, why are they doing this to him?...And why is the show doing this to us?…He’s in. So who didn’t want him, since it wasn’t unanimous? Randy, maybe?...

Jeremy Rosado is up next…Jeremy has teamed up with David Leathers, Ariel Sprague and Eben Franckowitz…Final Performance: “I Know You Won’t.” It’s really good…He gets a standing ovation from the judges. Surely he’s in…JLo points out that Jeremy always cheered everyone on in Hollywood…He’s in…He asks if they’re sure…

It’s now 8 guys and 8 girls in…

After the break…

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Green Mile Part 1: Final Thoughts...

So as we stand now, we know 14 of the Top 24—eight girls and 6 guys. And we also know that “Idol” is doing everything they can to milk this thing for all it’s worth…

It’s understandable since “The Big Bang Theory” has bested “Idol” in the ratings from 8-8:30 for weeks. So, the show wants to make sure people tune in from the beginning. But it is VERY annoying. Especially with someone like Adam Brock…

So tomorrow night, we’ll find out which four girls are joining Jen Hirsh, Haley Johnson, Elise Testone, Erika Van Pelt, Chelsea Sorrell, Baylie Brown, Jessica Sanchez and Brielle Von Hugel. And we’ll find out which six guys will join Creighton Fraker, Joshua Ledet, Reed Grimm, Heejun Han, Phil Phillips and Colton Dixon.

I think the judges have done a good job so far. I just hope it continues tomorrow. I hope that this whole Adam Brock thing is just a cruel stall. And, of course, I’m looking to see Point Pleasant’s Chase Likens make it through. But since the show’s only an hour tomorrow night, I’m afraid if he does, we won’t see much of him…

What do you guys think? Did any of your favorites get cut?

Let’s discuss…

The Green Mile Part 1: Another Massive Cliffhanger

We’re back…

14 spots gone, 10 to go…

Adam Brock is next…His daughter is so cute…Final Performance: Another one I don’t know. Sheesh, this is bad. I’m guessing “You Don’t Know Me”…Definitely not his best performance…JLo told him she thought it was all over the place…Randy said it was clumsy…Adam’s already crying when he sits down…Adam says, “I have to sing”…JLo gives “hard to say goodbye” speech. Randy says the decision is not unanimous…

SERIOUSLY?! They’re not going to tell us? That is just wrong…

After a promise of a shocking elimination that leads to a drastic turn of events, we’re out…

More in a moment…

The Green Mile Part 1: Two Guys and a Girl...

We're back with Phil Phillips…He’s in…

Colton Dixon is next…He auditioned in Season 10 as well and was cut during the Green Mile…Remember the judges made him audition this year…Before his final performance, he said he wished his sister was there with him…Final Performance: (With Piano) Sorry, didn’t know that one either. I’m off tonight, aren’t I?...I’ve got a bad feeling for him…Randy recaps his “interesting” story…He’s in. Yea!...Big hug for his sister, who says she’ll be back next year…

We’re now at seven girls and six guys…

Brielle Von Hugel is next…Her mother, Camille, talks spray tan with Ryan…Recap of her…She was eliminated in the rooms last year…Not sure about her…She’s in…

After the break, it’s Adam Brock. Why do I have a bad feeling about him?...

The Green Mile Part 1: One More Girl In...

We’re back…

Jessica Sanchez is next…I have no idea here. Probably…Final Performance: “The Prayer.” GORGEOUS! Surely she’s in…No doubt, Randy will give his only 16 years old speech…They’re showing a lot of her. They must really like her…She’s already crying as she sits down…She’s in…Randy didn’t say it. What?!...

Phil Phillips is next…He is having some serious doubts…Final Performance: “I’ll Treat You Right,” maybe? Not sure. They should flash the song titles up like “The Voice” does…Phil starts talking and JLo interrupts him…I think he’s in…

After the break…

The Green Mile Part 1: Another Fave Goes Through

We’re back…

Nearing 5 p.m. What a LONG day…

Up next Richie Law, the cowboy…Do the right thing here, judges…Final Performance: “Ring of Fire.” Seriously? That was terribly lame…He says he has a really bad feeling. Me too. But my bad feeling is that he makes it…Randy said he’s “sung some good low notes.” Hmmm…He’s not in. Yea!...Randy encourages him to come back. Maybe he’ll work on his attitude some…Ryan says he doesn’t want to see his personality leave. Ryan, what have you been watching?...He handles it well. The best he’s handled anything so far…

Heejun is next…Ryan asks him what he’s sweating and he says, “Mostly water.”…Aww, he works with special needs kids. That just makes me love him more…Final Performance: “New York State of Mind.” I thought It was good, but he has that very thick accent…JLo tells him he has a beautiful buttery tone and he tells her she’s beautiful…He says if he’s through he will hug JLo and kiss her. He says that’s every Asian man’s dream…Heejun says he’s ugly. Steven says he’s one ugly great singer, “like myself.” That was a little conceited…Steven totally fakes him out and he starts crying…He hugs all of the judges…YEA!!!...Steven says we’re all bozos on the bus until we learn how to express ourselves. That was deep…He cries all the way back down the aisle. I LOVE HIM…Phil Phillips is the only one waiting for him when he comes out and Phil gives him a hug…

Half hour left and I don’t see Chase’s face in any of the previews. I don’t think we’ll see him tonight. Boo Hiss!...

After the break…

The Green Mile Part 1: Three More Girls Are Through

We’re back…

Back to Erika Van Pelt…She’s in…I really thought they weren’t faking…That’s a massive tattoo on her back…

Up next, Chelsea Sorrell …Recap of her…Last Hollywood performance she forgot the words of “I Told You So”…Steven let her start over…We didn’t see her Final Performance. I’m guessing it didn’t clear…JLo starts “we’ve got to say goodbye to a lot of talented singers” speech…I think she’s in…She’s in…

Five girls, three guys…

If Richie makes it, I’m going to be mad…

Baylie Brown is next after a hug from Chelsea…I still wonder why she waited five years to audition again…I’m not sure…Final Performance: “Here Comes Goodbye”…She looked gorgeous, but I’m not sure about the performance…Baylie says she could have done better on some performances…Not sure here…She’s in…

Three straight girls. It’s time to catch up with some guys now. Bring on Chase…

After the break, Heejun and Richie. If Richie makes it and Heejun doesn’t…

The Green Mile Part 1: Another Fave Makes the Cut

We’re back…

Next up, Reed Grimm. Surely he’s in, isn’t he?...Recap of him…Mom and Dad were in a band and all the kids were in it…Dad passed away from pancreatic cancer…Final Performance: “It Don’t Mean a Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing.” Okay…Randy said he needs to show his vocals off more. I agree…He’s in…Reed says, “I’ve got more for ya”…Randy says he is “so mad talented”…

We’re now at three and three…

Erika Van Pelt is next…Man, has she changed her look since her first audition…Final Performance: Sorry, don’t know this one either. JLo said she didn’t like it for her and I have to agree. It was a snoozer…I think she’s in trouble…JLo starts the some people who didn’t do as well as they thought they would speech…

After the break…

The Green Mile Part 1: More Tough Cuts...

We’re back…

Next up, Neco Starr…We haven’t seen much from him lately, so I’m not sure…Final Performance: “The Lady In My Life.” I thought it sounded a little weak…JLo gives the “so many good singers, we’re spoiled” speech…Not in…JLo says he needs a little more time to figure out who he is. He was pretty cold about it…

Clayton Farhat out…

River St. James…out…He takes it calmly…

Caleb Johnson out…He forgot the words during his final performance…Apparently they didn’t let him start the song over. That was cold…

#Tylerism Alert: Caleb: Can I get some water: Steven: You’re surrounded by it.

Elise Testone…Got to believe she’s in…Recap of her…Final Performance: “This Is a Man’s World”…Oh yeah, she’s got to be in…Randy gives the “so blessed with singers” speech…She’s in…Randy says she’s one of the best singers they’ve seen…

I’ve got a bad feeling about Phil Phillips. The final performance is not the time to be taking risks…

After the break…

The Green Mile Part 1: Two More In, Two More Out...

We’re back…

Joshua Ledet…Recap of him…He sang “How Do I Live” at his audition. I love his choices…I think he’s in…Final Performance: “You Love Me So,” maybe? Man do I wish Shazam worked on live performances…Joshua said it would definitely crush him not to make it…Randy starts his “the better singers don’t quite make it” speech…You can tell it’s a con...He’s in…Joshua sings his excitement…Not sure what he was singing there. I think it was God Bless…JLo says “That’s some real”…

Blaire Sieber out…Who?...

Naomi Gillies out…Again someone we don’t know…She said she’s a little bit shocked…

Haley Johnsen up next…Recap of her…She was in the “Night of a Thousand Eyes” group in Vegas…She does more talking than they do…She’s in…Heejun gives her a big hug…

Those previews do not look good for a lot of people, do they?

After the break…