Where You Can See Our New American Idol
Just a reminder that our new American Idol Lee DeWyze will be appearing on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" tomorrow. Runner-Up Crystal Bowersox will be appearing with him.

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Thursday, May 27, 2010Where You Can See Our New American IdolJust a reminder that our new American Idol Lee DeWyze will be appearing on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" tomorrow. Runner-Up Crystal Bowersox will be appearing with him. ![]() Next week, Lee will stop by "Live With Regis and Kelly" Tuesday, June 1st and Crystal will stop by Wednesday, June 2nd. They'll both perform on "Today" Thursday, June 3rd. Look for both of them to appear at some point during the week on "The Late Show with David Letterman"... Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX
The Idols Live Tour Slashes Ticket Prices For One Day OnlySo you know how Ryan said last night that there would be discount tour tickets? Well how’s this for a discount… 20 bucks! That’s right. $20 (plus fees) will buy you a ticket to the Idols Live Tour in your city. Just go to Ticketmaster.com for details. The deal ends at 8 p.m. tonight (Thursday, May 27th). The regular price for tickets in Columbus, for example, starts at $40.50 The Idols will hit Columbus’ Nationwide Arena on Tuesday, July 27th and Cincinnati’s Riverbend Music Center Friday, September 3rd. And in case you’re wondering, no, I still don’t want to go… Wednesday, May 26, 2010FINALLY the Finale: Did America Get It Right?So this is the moment when I should climb up to the virtual mountaintop and yell “I WAS RIGHT!” But for some reason, I just don’t feel like doing that tonight. The finale is never about the final two. It’s about packing in as many stars as you can (usually from the 70s and 80s) to sing with the other contestants. It’s about comedy bits with some of our favorite bad contestants (although tonight’s biggest one was cut off). But this year the finale was about the top two even less than usual. Because this year we had to say goodbye to the man who arguably makes the show worth watching—Simon Cowell. And it’s hard to compete with a man who should be dead taking to the stage to sing his biggest hit (Now slow down a little bit, would ya Bret!). After all the Idol winners (minus David Cook for some reason) took to the stage to sing to Simon about what he had helped them become, I think I honestly stopped caring who won. I mean, what could possibly follow that? Don’t get me wrong. I still wanted Lee to win, because I wanted to be right. But it just didn’t seem to matter anymore. And I’m not sure it even mattered to the producers anymore since they didn’t even let Lee finish his coronation song before they cut him off. But let me go ahead and ask the question I ask every week at this time during the Idol season. Did America get it right? Yes, they did. It’s a bit like Kris and Adam last year. Yes, Crystal is a more talented singer. And she was much better last night. But Lee needed to win. If he had finished second, he would have been just another “Idol” runner-up that recorded one major label album and then faded away. This way, he gets the power of 19 behind him. Crystal will be fine. So how would I rate the finale? I thought it was pretty good. It got off to an auspicious start with that lame Alice Cooper lip sync, but the rest of the performances were solid. I loved that Hall and Oates got to sing an entire song and Michael McDonald was unbelievable—even though Big Mike appeared to think he was outsinging him (He wasn’t.). Janet Jackson was a disappointment, as was the fact that Kris did not get presented with a platinum award for “Live Like We’re Dying.” I know the producers wanted Adam to win, but he earned that, darn it. I was also disappointed that Ryan did not give a shout out to Crystal at the end. And I think it was terribly rude that no one said goodbye to Rickey Minor. But the Simon tributes were pretty awesome—even if Paula did ramble on a little too long and a little too awkwardly. He will be missed more than I could possibly say. It is not an exaggeration to say the show will never be the same… And that, my friends, wraps another “Idol” season. I will try and contain my excitement that it has come to an end, but let’s face it. It’s been a long one. Thanks to all of you who made the journey with me. Thanks to the wonderful people at FOX and the “Idol” PR department who make me look good. And thank you to my editors, Andrea and Robyn. Remember, you can catch my final thoughts on this season in Tuesday’s “Herald-Dispatch.” But as you guys know, it’s not over. There is still plenty to talk about in “Idol” world and I’ll be here to bring it all to you. I hope you’ll continue to join me. Until then… Henderson, out! FINALLY the Finale: And Our Next American Idol Is...10:00 We’re back…LET’S DO THIS!...Lee and Crystal stand on stage with Ryan…Edward Boddington of Telescope brings out the “envelope”…He didn’t tell how many votes…Hmmm… 10:01 Lights down…I’m starting to feel some nerves…Lee breaks down. I don’t think he’s going to make it. What if he wins?...The winner is…Lee DeWyze…He practically falls down…He walks over to Ryan and Ryan has to practically catch him…Cut away to his hometown. Bad timing there…Crystal smiles and claps. The other Idols come over and hug him…Guys, Ryan needs to get to him…“Oh my god” he says…Ryan asks him how it feels and he says “I don’t know”…He just keeps saying thank you…He tells Crystal he loves her and gives her a hug…He says he’s never been happier in his life…The music actually cuts him off before he can say much else so he can sing…The pyrotechnics start. I hate when they don’t salute the runner-up. I think she deserved that much…This is already better than last night…The judges are standing. I wanted to see Simon’s “I told you so” smirk…The confetti falls…Stop cutting to his hometown! We want to see him…How can he see with all that confetti?...He goes off the stage…The song seems so appropriate now…To the mini-stage where the guys join him…And he’s cut off. You’d already gone over six minutes, what was a few more so we could see the end? That was a little anti-climactic, no?... Final thoughts in a moment… FINALLY the Finale: Time for the "Big" Name9:44 We’re back…Siobhan starts “Again.” I guess the Janet Jackson rumors are true…Katie…Someone should do that one on the show next year…Janet comes out very quietly to finish the song. It actually took the crowd a little while to realize it was her…She’s wearing a headset mic, so I presume she’s going to dance at some point…She comes center stage to sing something I don’t recognize…She sounds good. I think I saw her shaking…It’s a pretty ballad. Very un-Janet. I think it’s “Trust In Me”…I guess that’s why they started with “Again”…She gives the audience a sly smile and we hear “Give me a beat!” from “Nasty”…We see her clothes changing behind a screen…She comes out with lots of dancers in a black jumpsuit that was under her long dress…She looks great...She’s not singing, though…And she’s barely dancing…Why do they feel the need to bring out past-their-prime big names in the pimp spot right before the results?...I know I’ve seen her give more energetic performances than this. She’s just walking around the stage…And what was that lame ending?...The judges give her a standing ovation. Why?...Ryan tells us “Nothing,” the song that she did is the theme from her new movie. Huh? What’s the movie?...And he says her #1s CD has produced 34 #1s. Huh?... 9:53 Ryan intros video showing Lee and Crystal’s Idol journeys…We’re getting closer now, kids…Lee and Crystal take the mini-stage to do “A Little Help From Our Friends”…Yes, Joe Cocker will join them…Crystal intros him calling him a living legend…He is alone on the stage…Did he just forget the words to his own song, or did he think one of them were going to sing…Lee and Crystal join him…Crystal is loving it…He can still scream…Ok, this is not exactly last year’s Queen, but it’s okay…Crystal can barely contain herself…Wonder if they’re even going to mention that Rickey Minor is leaving?...Break… FINALLY the Finale: Simon's Final Tribute9:27 We’re back…Tour plug…Live Nation is offering discounted tickets. Big shock that they need to discount them…Simon video…Paula talking about him…Lots of clips of them all arguing…Love that they made time for her…I hope she shows up now…She gets very serious…She says “To sir with love”…Simon tears up…And there she is…Simon stands for her and then all the judges stand…She says something to all of the judges. It’s a little awkward…She tells Ryan she wants her lip gloss back…She gets to Simon and the crowd starts cheering…She jokes that she left the show because she had Simon’s baby. It takes the crowd a little while to get the joke…She’s totally over-memorized this…He smiles slyly at her…I’m sorry her joining him on “The X Factor” didn’t work out. Rumor has it she was making too many diva demands…She says that she knows all too well that the show will go on without him. It’s a very awkward joke, but Simon thought it was funny…Another montage to Sinatra’s “My Way”…They show his Carrie Underwood prediction…I think they might have cut Paula off a little because she was starting to ramble. I love that she’s here, but it was a little uncomfortable…That was a good montage…He says “thank you but I’m going to miss you.” But not half as much as we’ll miss you, hon… 9:35 Kelly comes out. Not sure what she’s singing…Ruben…Fantasia…Carrie…That outfit is better than the last…Jordin…Taylor…Kris…Where’s David?...It’s “Together We Are One”…I thought we were finally going to get all of them together…Paula is down with Simon now…Lots of past Idols come out to sing with them. More than I can name…But it’s a lot…The song says “See what we’ve all become”…This is where I lose it…The winners are in black and the rest are in white…Paula is on Simon’s lap. He’s trying to hold it together. I’m giving up trying…Ryan calls Simon to the stage… 9:38 Paula walks him to the stage and he joins Ryan…Ryan gives him the microphone…He says he didn’t think he would be this emotional. He says it’s great to have Paula back…He says thank you to everyone…He says everyone’s sense of humor has been the best part…He says the audience is the judge and they’ve done an incredible job over the years…He says he’ll miss Ryan and it’s been a blast…They hug…I think Paula milked that just a tad too much as she hugs him again. It’s his moment, Paula. Not yours…Break Seriously, does anyone care who wins now?... FINALLY the Finale: Time to Pull Our Pants Up9:14 We’re back…Ryan announces that “Idol” is teaming up with MySpace for auditions. Does anyone even use that anymore?...By the way, News Corp. which owns FOX owns MySpace…Ryan intros Lee and Chicago to do a medley…Want a moment? Let’s bring out Peter Cetera. LOL…These songs are a little out of Lee’s range…Lori Loughlin in the house… 9:17 Matt Rogers is live in Mt. Prospect, Illinois. You have to love him…Another Simon video…Simon: The Flirt…Of course they show the video of Simon and Paula kissing...I had forgotten some of these videos, like Randy and Simon in bed together… 9:20 Ryan intros “Pants on the Ground” and the crowd goes wild…Dancers surround General Larry Platt doing a dance version. He’s having some trouble remembering the words or something…William Hung comes out to join him…Larry gets down on the ground to do some kind of dance…That was a little surreal…Larry tells Simon he loves him…They go to break before he can say anything else…Break… FINALLY the Finale: The Season's Biggest Moment?9:00 We’re back…Ryan intros Carrie Underwood. Has it really been five years since she was the American Idol? Holy crap…She’s doing “Undo It.” Wow she looks great…How can she keep that voice when she tours as much as she does?…The backup singers are too loud…And she’s actually moving around on the stage for a change. Nice!...Kara co-wrote this one, by the way…This has #1 written all over it…NICE!...Orianthi in the audience now… 9:04 Ryan mentions that Kara co-wrote it…Ryan intros the video of Kris presenting Lee and Crystal with the Fords…They’re the Fords they designed. They could be a little bit better of actors…Ford music video…“My Wish”…clips of all the music videos…Wow, they should release that one. They sound great together… 9:06 Ryan stands with Lee and Crystal…He intros Casey…He’s doing “Every Rose Has Its Thorn”…OMG! Is Bret Michaels there? PLEASE!!!...He is in LA. He did Leno last night…The crowd is screaming because they see BRET!!!...He comes out grinning…Okay, I just got chills…He comes to the microphone to do the second verse…Wonder how long they had this planned?…Casey is all smiles…Bret’s loving it and why shouldn’t he?...Casey is doing it well and he’s got serious guitar skills…Bret actually smiles and says, “Yeah it does” at the end…They guitar duel…The crowd goes crazy…THAT was awesome…They stand together on the stage…I think that was the moment of the season. Nice that they gave that to Casey… FINALLY the Finale: Hall and Oates Rock It8:47 We’re back…HERE WE GO!...Lee comes out doing “I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do)”…It’s nice, but then Andrew comes out and ruins it…All the guys join them. I think they’re supposed to do “Maneater” too…Yep, here it is…Casey starts. That was actually pretty good…Tim. Yuck!...Big Mike. He seriously needs to tone it down…Aaron. Not even close…All the guys on the chorus with Casey doing Daryl’s part…Let’s hear Lee some more…Lee intros Hall and Oates. WOO-HOO! They’re doing “Make My Dreams” of course…He sounds awesome, of course. But Daryl, why the shades, hon…Wow, they’re going to do the whole song? NICE! Way to show respect…The guys are doing the ooh-oohs, but that’s all. Thank goodness…What, no scream, Daryl? Maybe he didn’t think he could compete with Michael McDonald…There you go, hon…WOOOOOHHH! We love you Daryl…and John…The guys shake Daryl and John’s hands… 8:51 It’s Janell Wheeler in Toledo. Why do they even try to have someone talk?…Ryan walks over to Crystal’s dad…Ryan intros Crystal…She’s doing “Ironic”…Is Alanis there?...Yes she is.. And she comes out to do “You Oughta Know”…Seriously?!...They’re seriously changing the lyrics. Go with you to the theater? Seriously?...Not sure about this one…They sound pretty good together at the end, though…Break… FINALLY the Finale: Christina Brings Us Down8:34 We’re back…Lacey comes out to start “Beautiful.” Yes, Christina Aguilera is here…Didi comes out to help…Katie. And Paige…Siobhan, who apparently was dressed by someone tonight because she looks good…Crystal…The girls move toward the mini-stage…Crystal should have seriously considered performing that one…Siobhan starts “Fighter”...If she showed that much spunk sooner she would have lasted longer…Katie…Paige. Still not impressed…Katie intros Christina and I think she pronounced her name wrong…Christina wails over the girls singing as her dancers get into place…She just scrapped her entire summer tour…Everyone leaves and it’s just Christina at the microphone. This is a ballad, I thought she was doing her new song tonight. I don’t know this one…Kind of depressing for the finale, though…Even the swaybots are confused… 8:42 Ryan in the audience intros Ricky Gervais “live via satellite” to say farewell to Simon…He says Simon could fall back on his old career as a lap dancer…Break… It’s a bummer that we didn’t see the rest of Dane Cook’s song because I wanted to see what Nick Mitchell and the “brother” guy were going to do. Maybe someone will put it on the Internet or something… FINALLY the Finale: Houston, We Have a Problem8:26 We’re back…Big Mike starts “Takin’ It to the Streets”…Is Michael McDonald here? Hope so!...This is good. But this is Taylor’s song…WOO-HOO! He is there!...He sounds FANTASTIC! He is singing everyone under the table. Well, Daryl Hall hasn’t sung yet…They have no chemistry together, though…WOW! That Siobhan is how you scream. HOLY COW!...They give each other a little hug. That was nice… 8:28 Ryan intros Dane Cook to sing a song set to some of Simon’s best insults…Simon looks a little unhappy…He doesn’t find it funny at all…Some Idol favorites come out including Nick Mitchell and the “I am your brother” guy…Okay, something just happened…Bernardo, who I didn’t recognize, took the microphone and started saying he was going to replace him. Tatiana tried to take the microphone away from him, but then the camera panned to the crowd and we went to commercial. I thought it was part of the skit, but apparently it wasn’t. I’m guessing Dane Cook is not happy now. Not sure what they do now…Break… FINALLY the Finale: The Bee Gees8:11 We’re back…Sound screw-up. They cut Ryan off at the beginning…He intros Kris to do “The Truth”…Sound screw-up #2, Ryan’s mic was still live and we heard him say, “Was it open” over top of Kris’ song…By the way, there’s some controversy over this song among Kris fans. 19/Jive has released a version featuring Pat Monahan from Train to try and up radio/sales (Monahan co-wrote it.). The Kris fans are upset because they didn’t let it go with just Kris or that they didn’t release one of the many songs Kris co-wrote…I’m wondering if they’ll follow tradition and have Lee and Crystal present Kris with a platinum award for “Live Like We’re Dying.” I hope so. You know I love him…I think they cut this song. Why? So we can see more lip synching from the Top 12?...Great, as always… 8:15 Nick Cannon and Kimberly Caldwell in the house…No award. What?...Ryan stands behind the judges and intros first Simon tribute as Simon gives him a mint…Paula appears in video. I thought there would be more of a reaction from the crowd…Clips of his audition zingers with judges (and Paula) giving opinions…Most of the moments are from past seasons…I’m surprised how much his hair has changed over the years…They act like they’re happy about him leaving at the end… 8:18 Ryan intros Siobhan Magnus and Aaron Kelly…She begins “How Deep Is Your Love” and they’re actually singing. Here’s where The Bee Gees come in…This is actually pretty good. They harmonize well…The Bee Gees (Barry and Robin Gibb) come out with no introduction and the crowd screams. I’m guessing someone told them to because they’re probably too young to know who they are…Sorry I can’t watch Barry without thinking of Jimmy Fallon. “Talkin’ it up…”…Robin is a little shaky…I don’t hear Aaron at all but Siobhan’s handling the high part nicely…Jordin and Matt are singing along in the audience…That went on a touch too long…I hope the Hall and Oates song goes better…WOO-HOO! Hasselhoff in the audience! Wonder if he’ll cry?...Break… FINALLY the Finale: Alice Cooper?!So I was going to try and not sound so excited that this season is coming to an end. But I decided that was pretty much impossible, so… WOO-HOO! We’re FINALLY here! Let’s do this!!! 8:00 Dramatic Intro showing Chicago auditions where both Lee and Crystal came from…Man they are really struggling to find good comments for Lee…Lee looks a little ill live…for the final time this season, THIS is American Idol…Credits… 8:02 Carrie Underwood in the house…Ryan says coming into last night, less than 2 percent separated Lee and Crystal…Lee has way more fans in the building. Or at least they’re louder…Judges intro. I’m going to cry…And I think Simon is too…Randy gives him a standing ovation… 8:03 Ryan brings out Crystal and Lee. They’re in school uniforms. I think the Idols are doing “School’s Out for Summer” in a few…Lee says he’s happy…Crystal says it’s been amazing…Hometown check-in. Uh-oh…Toledo first…Someone talks, but they don’t tell us who. Those things never go well…Mount Prospect, Illinois. It doesn’t look quite as festive as Toledo… 8:05 Ryan intros Top 12…Is that Orianthi on the guitar? I think it is…I told ya “School’s Out for Summer”…By the way, Orianthi is one of the opening acts for Adam Lambert…She’s totally blasting them out. But they’re not singing anyway…Casey intros Alice Cooper who’s as scary looking as ever…And what is up with that strange children’s choir backing him up…This is a little dark for “Idol,” no?...Okay, check that. It’s unbelievably lame to see Alice in full makeup in front of the Idols in their lame school uniforms…Why did Orianthi (if that was her) stoop to that? Seriously…Break… This is going to be a long night, kids… DialIdol Predicts the WinnerDialIdol.com, which has gotten pretty good at predicting “Idol” winners over the years has made a prediction for tonight. And it is…Lee DeWyze, by a pretty large margin. If you’re unfamiliar with DialIdol, they measure the busy signals to determine who is getting the most votes. The Morning AfterSo here are some interesting tidbits from last night… Lee and Crystal actually chose the winner’s single themselves. Crystal told reporters that was the case during a post-show press conference. You can see the transcript of that press conference here… Anyone else notice that strange moment of Ellen and Kara appearing to hand someone their Coke cups? According to Adam Vary of EW.com, one of the “Swaybots” in the front of the theater passed out and they were offering their water. Props to Simon, who alerted a bodyguard, while Ryan—as usual—continued like nothing had happened… It’s possible that some of Lee’s nerves last night was actually a little frustration. TMZ.com is reporting that yesterday during rehearsal, Lee was hit with a violinist’s bow and stormed off the stage. Interestingly enough, the website is also reporting that Crystal had to stop in the middle of “Up to the Mountain” because she had forgotten the words. Teleprompters aided the contestants during their performances last night according to EW.com… More later… Tuesday, May 25, 2010So Who's Going to Win?The fact that Randy thought Crystal’s last performance was her biggest moment totally sums up this season for me. Because in comparison to other big moments from the past, that one didn’t even compare. In fact, I would say tonight’s final performance show didn’t even compare. Everything just seemed so muted. Maybe it’s the fact that Simon is leaving. Maybe it’s the fact that Lee just didn’t bring it tonight. Or maybe it’s the fact that we’re all so relieved the worst season of “Idol” is almost over… And I’m still not sure what I think about them doing covers as singles. It’s almost like they’re throwing in the towel because they think these two won’t sell anything else… So, who’s going to take the title? In my H-D column today, I said Lee and I’m sticking with it. I know I scored every round for Crystal and she had a much better night. But the screams were much louder and more enthusiastic for Lee. And I think his fans will sense it slipping away and power vote him to the win. I may even vote for him a couple of times myself… What do you guys think? Do you agree with me or do you think Mama Sox will take it? Post a comment below to begin the debate… Time to "Leave Right Now"...Now it’s time for Will Young to sing “Leave Right Now” to accompany the season recap video…Did they tell him to stand that still or is there something wrong with him?...And what is up with the director’s obsession with showing people in the audience watching tonight? That’s annoying…And what is up with the almost total silence in the audience? Normally they cheer when they see their favorites on the screen. So do they not have any favorites or did someone tell them to be quiet?... The other Idols join Lee and Crystal on stage. But is it just me or does it all seem a little flat tonight?... Final thoughts in a moment... Lee Vs. Crystal: Round 3 ContinuedCrystal Bowersox, “Up to the Mountain” 14 (out of 15) That was a spotless vocal, but…I don’t know. It was just a little too sleepy for me. And that as a single? Not exactly radio-friendly… And how in the world am I going to get through all the goodbyes to Simon tomorrow night? Round 3…to Crystal. By slightly bigger than a smidge… Lee Vs. Crystal: Round 3Round 3…The Winner’s Single…Oh lord… Wait. The single is a cover?! Can’t believe U2 went along with this… Lee DeWyze, “Beautiful Day”: 14 (out of 15) This should have been really good, but there was just something missing. I just don’t know what it was. I think it was a bad arrangement and Lee roaming around the stage like he was lost didn’t help. And notice Simon pimping the guy he said was going to win… Lee Vs. Crystal: Round 2 ContinuedRound 2…Producer’s Choice Lee DeWyze, “Everybody Hurts”: 13 (out of 15) This was a good choice by Simon Fuller, but Lee was a little too disconnected. I think his nerves are really getting him tonight. And he really should’ve gone with a more upbeat song for the first one, because you know the last one will be a ballad. And who is directing this crap? Seriously this is bad…. And Simon wants a 10 out of 10 from Lee with the Winner’s Single? Are you new to the show, Simon? Can’t believe they’re making them sing the Winner’s Single back-to-back. Unless they have different singles like they did in seasons two and five… Crystal Bowersox, “Black Velvet”: 13 (out of 15) Way to be generic, Fuller. That’s an “Idol” standard, but Crystal did give it a different twist. Although I have to say that she missed a ton of her screams. And who were the ad wizards that put her on those stairs? She couldn’t concentrate on her singing at all. Round 2…Crystal, but again, by just a smidge… And does anyone else notice the screams are much louder for Lee? Lee Vs. Crystal: Round 2 ContinuedRound 2…Producer’s Choice Lee DeWyze, “Everybody Hurts”: 13 (out of 15) This was a good choice by Simon Fuller, but Lee was a little too disconnected. I think his nerves are really getting him tonight. And he really should’ve gone with a more upbeat song for the first one, because you know the last one will be a ballad. And who is directing this crap? Seriously this is bad…. And Simon wants a 10 out of 10 from Lee with the Winner’s Single? Are you new to the show, Simon? Can’t believe they’re making them sing the Winner’s Single back-to-back. Unless they have different singles like they did in seasons two and five… Crystal Bowersox, “Black Velvet”: 13 (out of 15) Way to be generic, Fuller. That’s an “Idol” standard, but Crystal did give it a different twist. Although I have to say that she missed a ton of her screams. And who were the ad wizards that put her on those stairs? She couldn’t concentrate on her singing at all. Round 2…Crystal, but again, by just a smidge… And does anyone else notice the screams are much louder for Lee? Lee Vs. Crystal: Round 2Round 2…Producer’s Choice Lee DeWyze, “Everybody Hurts”: 13 (out of 15) This was a good choice by Simon Fuller, but Lee was a little too disconnected. I think his nerves are really getting him tonight. And he really should’ve gone with a more upbeat song for the first one, because you know the last one will be a ballad. And who is directing this crap? Seriously this is bad…. And Simon wants a 10 out of 10 from Lee with the Winner’s Single? Are you new to the show, Simon? Can’t believe they’re making them sing the Winner’s Single back-to-back. Unless they have different singles like they did in seasons two and five… Lee Vs. Crystal: Round 1Lee is up first. And they’re doing intro videos with their families? That’s dirty… Lee DeWyze, “The Boxer”: 18 I thought this performance was better than the first time he did it. But I would’ve seriously considered doing “Simple Kind of Man” even though he just did that last week. And as for his lack of passion, I think he was a little starstruck by the huge audience. Crystal Bowersox, “Me and Bobby McGee”: 18 Maybe I’ve just completely jumped off the Mama Sox train, because I remember liking that song a lot better the first time. It was still good, though, and I think she made the best choice. Round 1…to Crystal, but just by a smidge. I really hope that stupid winner’s single doesn’t end up making the difference. And I really hope they don’t have them sing it back-to-back because that’s just wrong... We're Finally Here!We’re finally here! WOO-HOO!!! You’d think I wouldn’t have any tears left, but I admit I felt some more in there when Ryan said this was Simon’s last week on the show. He looked a little sad too… So what I told you earlier is correct. It’s Contestant’s Choice (Their favorite song from the season), Producer’s Choice (chosen by Idol guru Simon Fuller) and the Winner’s Single. We’ll get it started…after the break… Today's Latest on the Finale
So here’s what we know today about tonight’s show…
At least one media outlet has reported that the three songs Lee and Crystal will do tonight will be: contestant’s choice, producer’s choice and winner’s single. No confirmation on that from FOX… Will Young will most likely appear at the end of the show to sing this year’s farewell song, “Think I’m Gonna Leave Right Now”… Here are the latest rumors about tomorrow night’s finale… Melissa Etheridge will duet with Crystal… Joe Cocker will duet with Lee and/or Crystal… Paula Abdul will appear in some way for the Simon send-off… I’m not sure if they’re being extra tight-lipped this season or the media just doesn’t care as much… By the way, on today’s “Ellen DeGeneres Show,” Simon will tell Ellen that Lee is going to win. Which is exactly what I predicted in my H-D column today. You guys know I’m not usually so bold, but I am feeling it big time… See you guys tonight… Monday, May 24, 2010What We Know About the FinaleFor those of you who are longtime followers of my “Idol” stuff, you know by this time I’ve pretty much told you everything there is to know about the “Idol” finale. But this year, I haven’t. Because there’s not much to tell… Here’s what I know… Crystal and Lee are singing three songs tomorrow night. What those are has not been confirmed, although it’s usually an encore of a previous song, a new song, and the coronation song… Christina Aguilera and Enrique Iglesias will perform new singles on Wednesday’s finale. Carrie Underwood will do her new single, “Undo It,” which was co-written by Kara DioGuardi. Kris Allen will present Crystal and Lee with the keys to their new Fords and will perform his new single, “The Truth”… As always, there are lots or rumors about who will be there. There’s a Janet Jackson rumor. And there’s rumors about Chicago and The Bee Gees… But here’s the big one. At least for me. It’s rumored that Hall and Oates will perform on the show. WOO-HOO!!! The finale likes to bring on acts from the 80s, so I’m holding out hope that’s true. Why they haven’t done a Hall and Oates week yet is beyond me… I've heard a few other things, but I'm going to keep those to myself because they could be really cool surprises. We’ll hear much more between now and tomorrow night, so Stay Tuned… Thursday, May 20, 2010Breaking News: Crystal Wins the Coin TossAccording to EW.com, Crystal won the coin toss last night and wisely elected to go second. Still no word from the show or FOX on what Lee and Crystal are going to sing. Stay Tuned... Wednesday, May 19, 2010Top 3 Results Show: Did America Get It Right?So did America get it right? Do I even have to ask? Of course they did. These are the two who should be in the finale. And I am SO psyched that we’re finally there, I don’t even have the words. Plus, I haven't had dinner yet. So I’m going to leave it at that… Keep checking in for all the details about the finale over the next several days… Top 3 Results Show: And the Final Two Are...9:53 We’re back. Let’s do this!...They’re standing center stage…Lights down…Lee…Crystal…Casey…The first person in the finale is…Lee…He’s pumped…Simon smiles…So the drama is between Crystal and Casey, as expected…Joining Lee is…Crystal…It was so anticlimactic, she actually had to ask Ryan if she was safe…Crystal goes over to Lee and practically tackles him… 9:56 Casey says he’s honored…Ryan hands him the microphone…He does “Daughters”…He goes into the audience and over to a woman holding a sign for him and gives her a hug…He goes over to the judges. He shrugs his shoulders to Kara…Casey goes into the audience and grabs a little girl and takes her to the mini-stage and sits down. Does he know that little girl?...She’s not sure what to do…Crystal starts to tear up…Apparently he does know her and he gives her another hug…Goodbye video…He watches with no emotion. As I said, he doesn’t feel he needs to win…Crystal says on video that she has a little bit of a crush on Casey…Crystal and Lee stand center stage…And we’re out… Final thoughts in a moment… Top 3 Results Show: We Pause for Another Cheesy Performance9:46 We’re back…Ryan introduces Justin Bieber to do “You Smile” and “Baby”…Okay those women singing along in the front are too old for him…I wonder if the girls screaming in the audience all night were disappointed that he’s on tape. I could’ve told them that was the case. This was actually supposed to air during “Idol Gives Back,” but didn’t for some reason…Ok he’s cute, but I don’t see anything worth trampling people over…He goes back to play the drums. Why? Was that supposed to be good? I’ve seen Josh Gracin play better than that one handed. That was a little lame…Break… Top Three Results: Lee and Crystal Go Home9:31 We’re back…Ryan plugs the auditions…Nashville, New Orleans, Jersey City, San Francisco…Crystal’s homecoming video…10:45 p.m. Crystal hits her local FOX affiliate…The next morning she’s at the AT&T store…She signs a guy’s chest and he says he’s getting it tattooed…Crystal has fun popping in and out of the limo…parade…HUGE crowd…Key to the city of Toledo…Goes to family barbecue at her dad’s house…She goes to “Bowerstock”…County commissioner declares it Crystal Bowersox Day…Toledo Mudhens game…Anyone know that song Crystal was singing?...Wait! It’s Crystal’s own song, “Holy Toledo”…I thought that sounded like her…That song was awesome. I want to download it now…Crystal cries at the sound of her song, which she says is the anthem for her community that has been so down and out lately… 9:37 Lee homecoming video…Going to Chicago…At desk with FOX affiliate…AT&T store…Cubs game…He’s stunned…His elementary school…They love him…Goes to paint store. HUGE crowd…He starts crying when he walks in…He goes home…Parade…What’s up with the super dramatic music.?...He does “The Boxer” to a huge crowd…Am I wrong or did we not hear Casey sing?...He starts to choke up and so his dad does too…He says it’s the best day of his life… 9:40 Lee and Ryan on the stools…He’s trying to hold it together…Simon’s starting to get that Cheshire grin…Break… Top 3 Results Show: We Pause for a Cheesy Performance9:23 We’re back…Ryan says hi to the Top 12…Ryan plugs the tour and says tickets are selling fast. Somehow I doubt that…Ryan introduces Perez Hilton who discovered Travis Garland. WOW he has lost a lot of weight! He introduces him to sing “Believe”…Okay, so Perez was there live, but Travis is on tape? Interesting…He’s acting out some kind of story with a girl on stage…A “24” split screen? Seriously?...Is he even singing? I’m not sure…Wow that was cheesily dramatic for no reason…Break… Top 3 Results Show: Casey Goes Home9:13 We’re Back…Ford Music Video…“Wild One”…Their images are painted on a wall or something like that… 9:14 Casey’s homecoming video…He’s excited that they’re stopping traffic for him as he heads to his FOX affiliate…The girls go nuts when he says he has no girlfriend…Millsap High School in Casey’s hometown. The stadium is full and the police are trying to keep people off him…The fans are almost all female. Some girls are carrying “Casey is hot” fans…When some girls chase his limo, he says “Holy @*!”…He goes to the hospital where they saved his life after his accident…They’re all waiting for him and he signs a guitar for them. They’re all crying…Casey finally takes the stage to sing at 10 p.m…It’s a big crowd, but…It’ll be interesting to see the others… 9:18 Ryan sits with Casey on the stools. Ryan asks him about what it was like to meet with the doctor…He has to clear his throat…He says when his mom cries, he cries and he clears his throat again…Break… Top 3 Results Show: Some Major StallingPHEW! Barely made it in the door. Let’s do this… 9:00 Dramatic intro…Sometimes it’s good to go home but not tonight…Casey says backstage he just wants his fans to like it…Credits… 9:01 Ryan comes out through the blinding light…Over 47 million votes last night. Nice…The Top 12 are in the house…Judges intro…“Simpsons” plug. The judges and Ryan are on it Sunday night…Why do they keep showing Andrew and Big Mike?… 9:03 Ryan brings out Top 3 and then leads them over to the couch to talk about putting the show in perspective…Ryan asks if any of them have pictured winning. Casey says no. Crystal says she’s thought about it…Lee says he’s never wanted to win more than he does right now…WOW. We are seriously stalling…Casey says he gets up to 150 text messages a day from friends…Crystal says she’s healthier than she’s ever been and she owes it to “Idol”… 9:08 Ryan asks Randy about their transformations…He says Lee has blossomed beyond belief...Then he adds the other two have grown too…Lee and Crystal thank the judges but Casey says not every comment was useable…Break… Tuesday, May 18, 2010So Who's Going Home?Okay. So who’s going home? We all know that it should be Casey, but will it be? I think that it will be, but I bet it will be close. What won’t be close is the margin between whoever gets the second most votes and Lee who will cruise into the finals. I said a couple of weeks ago that Lee was the new favorite. And after tonight, there is no doubt. I’m actually a little excited to see what happens. What do you guys think? Will we get our expected Lee-Crystal finale? And is there anyone who can stop Lee? Lee Has a MomentLee DeWyze, “Hallelujah”: 15+ Simon, I will never doubt you again. I love you and I will miss you SO much. I can barely type this for the tears in my eyes. That was more the Leonard Cohen version than the Jeff Buckley version, but it was phenomenal. It seemed more like a finale performance than a semifinal one. And I truly believe that performance will carry Lee all the way to the win. Final thoughts in a moment… Crystal Is "Amazed"Crystal Bowersox, “Maybe I’m Amazed”: 14 (out of 15) Wow, Ellen didn’t do Crystal any favors tonight. It’s hard to do something different with the same words over and over, but she did everything she could. She looked a little weird walking all over the stage though. Ok, so Casey wasn’t sabotaged by the director. It just stinks all the way around tonight. Casey Does Randy and Kara's ChoiceCasey James, “Daughters”: 14 (out of 15) Casey did everything he could with that one. But the director did him absolutely no favors by not giving him more close-ups. Is there some sabotage going on here? And Simon’s absolutely right. I said the same thing earlier tonight. The song is sleepy and that’s not going to drive people to vote for him. Kara’s obsession with emotion needs to stop… Lee Shows He's In It to Win ItLee DeWyze, “Simple Man”: 19 That was really good but I’m not sure about doing two slow songs. I guess we’ll see. And you know Simon is about to burst because he’s championed Lee from the beginning. And you know he thinks he’s picked a great one for him… Crystal Goes With Melissa EtheridgeCrystal Bowersox, “Come To My Window”: 18 Ok, so it wasn’t “Angels Would Fall,” but it was Melissa Etheridge, which was a great choice. But it was SO fast. I would’ve loved if she would have stuck with the acoustic vibe she started with. And she missed more than one of her screams. But no worries, Simon was there to pimp her a little. But what I really want to know is if she makes it to the finale, will we finally hear the story of how Ryan talked her out of quitting? Casey Is "Alright"Here we are. Top 3 night. And they’ll be doing two songs—their choice and the judges’ choice… Let’s do this… Casey James, “It’s Alright With Me”: 15 As I suspected in my H-D column today, Casey did not pick a song like he’s in it to win it. And his second song isn’t going to help him any since it’s the sleepy “Daughters.” He sounded okay, it just wasn’t enough. Sunday, May 16, 2010The Top 3 Go HomeHere are some pictures from the Top 3's homecomings... Casey James signs autographs. Photo Credits: Frank Micelotta/PictureGroup, Jeff Kowalsky/PictureGroup and FOX
Michael Lynche: "You have to give them what they want"Michael Lynche, aka Big Mike, was probably the most consistent performer. But his cockiness—and Casey’s growing popularity—finally did him in. Here’s a sample of what Big Mike had to say to the media last week… ![]() On what it meant to have his family on stage with him Wednesday night. “It meant a lot because it really started out with them in Hollywood Week for me is when this whole experience really got real. It wasn’t about hoping that you do well anymore. I had to do well. Because of the sacrificing I was making at that time, it was very important for me to do well. So to have them there and they would have been there for me if I was working at Home Depot or Dominos Pizza. My wife just always supports me no matter what, so it’s nice that I get to be the family man. I’m not anybody else but that. That’s what I am first, so it was nice that that was my story and that people really saw that. To have my wife there just really helps your heart out in a tough moment.” On the need to do something original each week: “I felt like you should do something original. I think that everybody should always make the song their own. I think you get into the Karaoke zone when you just do a good version. So I always wanted to have a song feel like I wrote it. I wanted to find that place in the song that was original for me and that was new for me. In my opinion I think that’s how you succeed on the show is really making it your own.” On singing for the Judges’ Save: “I wasn’t terrified, no. I felt like going into the season, that I like that concept of sing for you life. Really every week to me is sing for your life because nothing is guaranteed for you on the show. Your time isn’t guaranteed at all. So I never wanted to take anything for granted. When I got to that point and it was literally sing for your life and the life of your family and your future, here’s your one chance, I felt like I could do that. I felt going in that I could stand tall in that moment. When it got down to Andrew and I, I wanted it to be me in that moment, because I didn’t necessarily want him to have to go through that. He’s a good buddy of mine and I just felt strong enough and prepared enough to take that moment on. It worked out, so I wasn’t surprised that they saved me, just extremely grateful to still be around.” On the Judges’ Save itself: “I think it’s two sided. I think as far as the voting goes, it’s really one of my favorite parts of the show that people get to pick their champion. But it also depends on who’s voting. I think that as far as the save goes, it really speaks to your work ethic and your professionalism and what they see of you behind, not just on the stage for that little minute thirty that audience and that America really sees. The judges get to see a bit more of us and how your reputation is around the set and whatnot and around the crew. I think it just speaks to who you are as a professional for them to take that chance to save you and to say to America think about this again because this person really has shown us to be a professional and to be somebody worth taking a look at. So I think it’s two sided with it.” Photo Credit: Michael Becker/PictureGroup for FOX Friday, May 14, 2010What Are the Top 3 Going to Sing?MJ’s Big Blog is reporting the judges’ choices for the Top 3… ![]() Ellen has chosen “Maybe I’m Amazed” by Paul McCartney for Crystal. Simon has chosen “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen (best known by Jeff Buckley) for Lee. Kara and Randy have chosen “Daughters” by John Mayer for Casey. I have to say of the three, Ellen probably made the best choice. I can understand Kara and Randy thinking John Mayer for Casey, but “Daughters” is such a bland song. Why not go with “Say What You Need to Say” or “Heartbreak Warfare”? Maybe they’re setting Casey up to fail? Simon usually makes the best choice of all the judges, but I have to question this one big time. Yes, “Hallelujah” is a powerful song capable of producing a real moment for Lee. But we’ve already heard the song once this season (although I have no doubt that Lee will completely outsing Tim) and it’s so connected with Season 7’s Jason Castro. But Simon’s usually right about these things, so I guess I’ll trust his judgment. If I was choosing for Crystal I would choose “Angels Would Fall” by Melissa Etheridge. I’d probably go with “I’m Still Here” by John Rzeznik (of the Goo Goo Dolls) for Lee. And for Casey, I’d probably go with “Far Away” by Nickelback. The contestants will also do another song of their own choosing. What do you guys think of the choices? What would you have them sing? And is it just me, or does "Daughters" seem way more appropriate for Big Mike? Hmmm... Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX Aaron Kelly: "We want to see each other succeed"When I got the transcript for Big Mike’s exit interview, I realized that I never posted any comments from Aaron Kelly. ![]() On what the judges wanted from him: “Well, I think the judges wanted to see a little charisma and more – I got my confidence up and I was having a good time. I just needed to believe a little bit more. But, I felt the more I went into this competition, the more I was gaining with my confidence and charisma and everything. I was still learning to add all the extra things to my performances.” On what Simon said to him after he was eliminated: “He asked me what I felt my best week was, and I said country week. And he said that’s when I really shined he said, so I’ve just got to figure out the kind of artist I am and what kind of road I want to go down. Country is what I feel most content with, and that’s where I’m hoping to go down that road, country music.” On what he’s going to do next: “I’m actually on the verge of finishing up with high school. I’ve got all my senior credits, so after I finish that I’ll be all finished. And then I’d love to record an album and get to do some original music like stuff that I’ve written because we’re not allowed to do that on the show, so I don’t know if people know that I write songs. But, it’s also another huge passion of mine.” On his favorite moments during the show: “Well, after we get off the stage and finish up, the contestants are all waiting because they watch your performance back on the television as it’s going on. They’re all waiting there to give support, and if the judges cut you down that night, they’re there to build you back up. It’s a great support. The contestants are all like family, and we love each other very much. We want to see each other succeed.” On “The American Idol Experience” at Walt Disney World, which got Aaron to the front of the audition line in Orlando: “Absolutely. First of all, it’s a great way to get a feel for what this competition is really like. You go through a set of audition processes and then they put you through – and the audience actually votes you through. They actually have two different shows that day, and the first one is where the audience votes you through. At the end of the day because they have a lot of shows and they pick one person from each show that day to go to the finale. At the finale, the audience votes you through. So the gold ticket from that puts you to the front of the line for any audition. That was good for me because I actually ended up being one of the first to audition in Orlando that morning. It’s a fantastic thing, and it’s a good way to get a good feel for the competition and to what you’re going for.” I'll have Big Mike's parting words later this weekend... Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX Wednesday, May 12, 2010Top 4 Results Show: Did America Get It Right?So did America get it right? If Mike had given the same performance last night as he did tonight, I would say no. But since he didn’t, I will say yes they did. Mike is talented. There’s no question about that. But his cockiness was starting to return so I’m okay with seeing him go. Now we are down to the top three. Casey, Lee and Crystal. I stand by what I said in my column this week. I believe that Lee is now the favorite. I would love nothing more than to be able to make the four-hour trip to Toledo this weekend and see Crystal in action, but there’s a little thing called work that always gets in the way of such things. So instead, I’ll follow it on the Internet and pass on as much as I can to you. Now I ask you. What do you think of your Top 3? Top 4 Results Show: And the Third Person in the Top Three Is...9:52 We’re back…Casey and Lee on couch…Big Mike and Crystal on stage…Lights down… Why am I nervous?...The person in top three is…Crystal. Phew!...Crystal’s family shakes the hands of Mike’s family. That was classy…Mike’s wife is in tears… 9:54 Ryan talks to him about being saved…Simon is smiling…Goodbye video…That’s a little cruel to leave his family just sitting there and not letting him go hug them…These videos are really good this year…Ryan was more excited about him getting saved than he was…They haven’t shown him watching the video. I wonder if he’s with his family… 9:56 Mike is standing at the back of the stage away from Ryan…Kara tells him not to stop…His wife is holding their child…He’s doing “Will You Be There” for whatever reason…And he starts it in the higher key, which is what he should have done last night. I’m guessing he knows that now…It’s SO much better…The backup singers are still lousy…He goes to the mini-stage. He high-fives Randy…That was SO much better and he knows it…He waves to the audience…He jumps down to talk to the judges. Ellen says she’ll see him tomorrow on her show. He gets hugs from all of them…Ryan was waiting for him to come back, but he gives up and goes ahead with his thank yous…He finally comes back and hugs Lee and Casey and Ryan. He keeps saying “It’s all good”…He picks up Crystal…His wife brings over their baby and gives her to Mike. She’s bawling…And we’re out… Final thoughts in a moment… Top 4 Results Show: Bon Jovi Takes the Stage9:42 We’re back…Another iTunes plug…Ryan intros Bon Jovi and the audience is going nuts…They’re doing “Superman Tonight,” their new single…I can’t believe everyone’s live tonight. When was the last time that happened?...Richie does harmonies as well as anyone, but his microphone could stand to get turned down about two notches…This song’s okay, but why don’t they ever just rock out when they perform on the Idol stage?…I take that back. Jon just needs to stop whispering… 9:46 Ryan walks over to Jon and Richie. I think he just wanted Jon, but he gets the whole band. But he only talks to Jon…Ryan did it again. Did anyone hear the weird accent when he said “all”?...Break… Top 4 Results Show: And the Second Person in the Top Three Is...9:34 We’re back…Lights down…Mike…Uh-oh…Surely he’s going through all three of them…Why is Ryan talking so strangely tonight? He sounds like he’s got some kind of accent…Lee…LOTS of screams…He says he’s happy with what he did last night…Crystal…LOTS of screams. She still looks sick…Mike…Hang tight…Lee…is in the top three. Nice fake out Ryan. I fell for it…He goes over to his family…Crystal looks even more sick…Break… This is just fake drama right? Crystal’s fine, right? There’s not a Daughtry shocker going on here, is there?... Top 4 Results Show: Daughtry Takes the Stage9:23 We’re back…iTunes plug…Ryan intros Daughtry to do “September”…Why wouldn’t they go with “Call Your Name” as the next single. I like this one but…And how do the other guys feel about the show acting like the band is just one person?...That was good as usual… 9:27 Ryan brings Chris over to talk to him…He asks him about singing in front of arenas…He talks about the meaning of the song “September” and about the simplicity of his childhood…Ryan asks Ellen about what the Top 4 can take from Daughtry’s performance. Ellen says “they” and “you all” which I’m sure the rest of the band appreciates…Ryan asks Randy and he says Chris is living the dream. Chris looks uncomfortable…Ryan asks him for advice to the contestants and he says “stay hungry” and “don’t compromise the music you love”…Break… And yes, I am still bitter about his publicist blowing me off… Top 4 Results Show: And the First Person in the Top 3 Is...9:11 We’re back…The top 4 are on the urinal stools…Ford music video…They’re playing musical chairs with the car or something. I’m not sure…“Put the Message in the Box”… 9:13 Video of different Idols and their homecomings…You know they’re going to show Elliott’s mom to choke us all up…Yep, there she is…There’s Clay. I thought they had forgotten him…They’re going to hang out at an AT&T store this year…Ryan talks to them about what they want to do for their homecomings… 9:16 The families are on the couches on the stage. Is it just me or is that a little cruel?...Results in no particular order…Lights down…They all four stand…Mike and Casey…Ryan’s going over their duet performance…Big Mike says he picked the song…Lee and Crystal…Discussion of their duet…Casey…is safe and in the Top 3. He goes over to his family. Crystal looks a little sick…Break… Top 4 Results Show: Fantasia Kicks Us Off8:59 MEGA dramatic intro meant to look like the opening credits of a movie…They’re only playing positive comments…I hate it when they go without the THIS…Opening credits… 9:01 Ryan gets the cheesy intro. He emerges from the back of the theater…Almost 37 million votes, the highest of the season…Ryan walks up to the judges table and introduces the judges. Kara’s in a weird mood tonight…Tour plug. Oh lord. That means group number…Wait no. It’s Fantasia doing “Bittersweet.” Let’s see if she makes Simon’s jaw drop again like it did the last time she was here…It’s a ballad… 9:07 Ryan talks to her…New album coming out in the summer…She says her daughter is 9 now…Break… Tuesday, May 11, 2010So Who's Going Home?So who’s going home? I think Big Mike’s run has come to an end. Not really based on his performance tonight, but based on Casey’s resurging popularity. I’m guessing that duet only increased that. And the return of Big Mike’s cockiness didn’t help him any… What do you guys think? Do you agree with me that Big Mike will miss the Top 3 or are we in store for a shocker? And do you think that the duets were proof that the Idols should have actually been singing together all along? And what about Jamie Foxx? Was it just me or did he not seem to do as good of a job this year? Maybe all the rumors of him replacing Simon have gotten to him? Casey and Mike Nail Another DuetCasey and Mike, “Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman”: 20 That was not quite as solid as Lee and Crystal, but it was really good. And Casey’s guitar playing was exceptional. And this was a much better choice than “Everything I Do”… Is it just me or did the Idols work harder on their duets than their individual performances? Wonder why? Crystal Is "Alright"Crystal Bowersox, “I’m Alright”: 20 Brilliant choice. I would have never picked it for her, but I’m glad she picked it. And Casey and Mike are doing “Everything I Do”? I’m gagging already… And surely Simon was kidding about not knowing what “Caddyshack” is about. I know he’s British, but still… Casey Makes an Odd ChoiceCasey James, “Mrs. Robinson”: 17 He did that well, but it’s such an odd choice. I don’t really know what to say. And the gang’s getting a tad inappropriate, don’t you think? Especially with Kara and her Willy comment. It’s a family show, Kara… And Crystal’s doing “I’m Alright”? Nice… Lee and Crystal Make Beautiful Music TogetherLee and Crystal: “Falling Slowly”: 20+ There’s a song to download right there. THAT was fantastic. Now don’t you want these two to make the finals so they can sing a bunch more together? Big Mike Takes on MichaelMichael Lynche, “Will You Be There”: 16 I don’t know what it was, but there was just something hokey about the arrangement. I can’t really explain it. It just didn’t quite work. And Simon doesn’t know that song is from “Free Willy”? What? I am so going to miss him… Lee DisappointsJust 14 days to go? WOO-HOO… And the dramatic head turn was a good idea by the contestants, it just didn’t quite work… Taye Diggs and his lovely wife Idina Menzel in the house… And they are doing duets tonight as my Idol Slezak predicted. Hmmm… Wow. Jamie Foxx is taking this a little seriously with contestant vs. artist t-shirts… Let’s do this… Lee DeWyze, “Kiss From a Rose”: 14 This was a bad choice and a terrible arrangement. I think he should have taken it much more acoustic. And it was quite pitchy. This was my second guess for what Lee would sing. In my H-D column today, I predicted “Iris.” He should have listened to me. I’m wondering if Casey will do that one now. But listen to all the fans he has… Lee and Crystal together. NICE! And Michael is doing “Will You Be There?” Wow. That guy is in it to win it, kids… Wednesday, May 5, 2010Top 5 Results Show: Did America Get It Right?So did America get it right? Yes and no… Based on last night’s performances alone, Casey should have gone home. And Big Mike certainly didn’t deserve to be in the bottom two. However, I think based on the entire competition, Casey did deserve to stay more than Aaron did. I think it’s possible that we might actually have the best four out of the 12 still standing. And I have to say that Lee is growing on me more and more with each week… So what do you guys think? Do we have the right Top 4? And are you as psyched about this season being almost over as I am? Top 5 Results Show: And the Person Going Home Is...9:55 We’re back…And the person going home is…Aaron…Mike is safe…Mike gives him a big hug and gives him some words of encouragement…Goodbye video…The videos are so much better this year…Aaron does “Fly Me to the Moon” again. I’m guessing he has to do that one because Harry and his band are the only musicians there. That’s not really fair…And Aaron almost gets out his last note before we’re out… Final thoughts in a moment… Top 5 Results Show: And the Bottom Two Are...9:48 We’re back…Lights down…Crystal stands…Ryan sends her over by the piano…He’s going to make Lee choose a group, isn’t he? I hope…He puts Mike on the near side…Aaron…He puts him next to Mike. Uh-oh…Casey…He gets lots of cheers…But he’s going to put him with Crystal, isn’t he? And he does…Uh-oh…The audience cheers, but I’m not so sure…Here it is. He asks Lee to choose. WOO-HOO!...But he gives him an out and asks him if he would do it. BOO-HISS! He of course says no…The group that is safe is…Crystal and Casey. Casey is in shock. And I kind of am too…Mike and Aaron are the bottom two…I guess I was right last week after all. Casey does have a lot of fans…Break… Top 5 Results Show: Welcome to the Harry Connick Jr. Show9:32 We’re back…Ryan is standing with the judges who have to get back to their seats…A video of Harry Connick Jr. with Idols…He tells the camera, “It’s not about them it’s about me.” I don’t think he was kidding…And now it’s time for him to sing...“And I Love Her”…Let’s never bring him back, okay?... 9:37 Is anybody still awake?...The judges give him a standing ovation, starting with Kara…And now Harry is hosting the show?...He introduces the top five to join him on some of his songs…Are they actually going to sing?...The answer to that question is no…Couldn’t someone teach Casey to be a better lip sync? Of course that’s probably not going to matter in a few minutes…Harry’s sheet music is on a computer screen? Cool…Ryan returns to the stage…Ryan has him tell the story of when he first met Sinatra…When did this become the Harry Connick Jr. Variety Show?...Ryan plugs him appearing on Broadway…Break… Can he just go away now? Top 5 Results Show: Lady Gaga Takes the Stage9:22 We’re back…Yes, unfortunately, Lady Gaga is on tape…She starts out at the piano doing the chorus of “Bad Romance”…She’s wearing a very elaborate black headpiece…She gets up and now we see all the whatever that is behind her…She’s got male dancers wearing short leotards—whatever those are called…She’s wearing hardly anything with a cape that she’s flapping around…Does anyone else think this song sounds like Ace of Base?...She finally takes the cape off so we can actually see her…And yes, she is singing (and speaking) every note…Back to the piano…Now she’s up again and dancing with her dancers…The guys pick her up underneath the statue of what looks like the Virgin Mary at the back of the stage…Break… I LOVE her… Top 5 Results Show: Some Serious Stalling9:09 We’re back…Next week’s theme is songs from the movies with mentor Jamie Foxx. The hot rumor is that FOX wants him to replace Simon…Ford Music Video… “1,2,3,4”…Lee is trying to get to Crystal but the other Idols are stopping him…But it’s actually the car he’s walking toward. That was actually good…Video of how Tuesdays have changed for the Idols…The Stand-In Judges might be better than the real ones. That Randy guy is funny…Ryan tells Randy he better watch his back… 9:14 Ryan asks Big Mike how he’s feeling. He says you never know…Ryan asks Crystal about being the only girl. She says she feels like one of the guys…He asks Casey how he feels. He says it’s not up to him…Lights down…The audience awwws…Ryan says, “You act like there’s a twist here. We always do the results”… 9:16 Ryan brings Lee to the center of the stage. LOTS of cheers…Man they are SERIOUSLY stalling…LOTS more cheers…He is safe…Break… Top 5 Results Show: Trying to Pretend Last Night Never HappenedSo because we’re being treated to some Lady Gaga tonight, I’m going to pretend like last night never happened…You know, until they remind me… Here we go… 8:59 Video recap…HIGHLY dramatic…Man, Harry Connick Jr. is getting on my nerves…THIS with some teasing from someone. Leave Ryan alone… 9:01 Ryan comes out on stage…Over 32 million votes…Ryan goes out to the judges table to introduce the judges…Oh lord, that means group number…Tour plug…They’re, of course, doing a Sinatra medley…The guys start it out doing “The Lady’s a Tramp” since there’s only one girl now…Crystal comes out from the back looking awesome…And she’s singing…Aaron starts out the next song. And I think he might actually be singing…But Casey is not and he’s doing a good job of showing us that he isn’t. I think he’s actually mocking it…This would actually be good if they turned the Auto-Tune down a little…It’s a little crazy that there’s only one girl left, isn’t it?...Break… Tuesday, May 4, 2010So Who's Going Home?I know the judges raved about Harry Connick Jr., but I think his arrangements were way too overwhelming for the contestants and made the show more about him than them. I hope that “Idol” doesn’t allow any other mentor to write the arrangements. But I’d be willing to bet money that’s not the case… So who’s going home? I can say with 100% confidence that it’s going to be Casey. He was completely uncomfortable and Harry did him zero favors with the arrangement. He should have lowered the key or something to help him. I think he’ll be joined in the bottom two by Aaron, who only gave an okay performance and went first. What do you guys think? Have we seen the last of Casey? And were you as distracted by Harry’s arrangements as I was? Lee Takes Advantage of the Pimp SpotLee DeWyze, “That’s Life”: 19 It was not quite as good as Big Mike’s but it was pretty darn good. He looked a little shell-shocked, so I took off one point for stage presence. Final thoughts in a moment… Big Mike Nails ItMichael Lynche, “The Way You Look Tonight”: 20 Does it surprise anyone that Big Mike would nail this theme? He’s the first one that did not get overwhelmed by Harry’s arrangement. Did they just work better together? Mama Sox Blows In the "Summer Wind"Why didn’t they get Sir Anthony Hopkins a better seat tonight? And Rob Reiner is in the house tonight too. Harry Connick Jr. brings out the stars doesn’t he? Crystal Bowersox, “Summer Wind”: 19 This was not one of my favorite Crystal performances, but considering what she was given, it was really good. And she didn’t let Harry’s arrangement get the best of her. But she REALLY needs to watch her mouth with the judges. I saw some frustration in Simon’s eyes. Casey Looks For "Blue Skies"Casey James, “Blue Skies”: 13 Casey was doomed from the beginning because Harry again didn’t give him a good intro to give him his key. This was just weak. I hate to keep picking on Harry, but he wrote arrangements for how he would sing it, not arrangements that spotlight the contestant’s voices. And we need to hear the voices… And Harry trashing Casey’s performance. Ouch! I did love what he said about how sometimes it’s not about the lyrics. I bet that made Kara ill… Aaron Tries to Fly Us "to the Moom"Here it is. Frank Sinatra Week. And yes, Harry Connick Jr. has written the arrangements. This should be interesting… Aaron Kelly, “Fly Me to the Moon”: 16 This is hard for me because I was so distracted by Harry and the band. I thought it was okay, but… Houston we have a problem. Apparently, someone forgot to tell Harry this is about the contestants and not him and his band. What was that piano accompaniment at the beginning? It totally distracted me from Aaron’s singing. |