Idol Chit-Chat
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Top Three Results: Lee and Crystal Go Home

9:31 We’re back…Ryan plugs the auditions…Nashville, New Orleans, Jersey City, San Francisco…Crystal’s homecoming video…10:45 p.m. Crystal hits her local FOX affiliate…The next morning she’s at the AT&T store…She signs a guy’s chest and he says he’s getting it tattooed…Crystal has fun popping in and out of the limo…parade…HUGE crowd…Key to the city of Toledo…Goes to family barbecue at her dad’s house…She goes to “Bowerstock”…County commissioner declares it Crystal Bowersox Day…Toledo Mudhens game…Anyone know that song Crystal was singing?...Wait! It’s Crystal’s own song, “Holy Toledo”…I thought that sounded like her…That song was awesome. I want to download it now…Crystal cries at the sound of her song, which she says is the anthem for her community that has been so down and out lately…

9:37 Lee homecoming video…Going to Chicago…At desk with FOX affiliate…AT&T store…Cubs game…He’s stunned…His elementary school…They love him…Goes to paint store. HUGE crowd…He starts crying when he walks in…He goes home…Parade…What’s up with the super dramatic music.?...He does “The Boxer” to a huge crowd…Am I wrong or did we not hear Casey sing?...He starts to choke up and so his dad does too…He says it’s the best day of his life…

9:40 Lee and Ryan on the stools…He’s trying to hold it together…Simon’s starting to get that Cheshire grin…Break…