What Are the Top 3 Going to Sing?
MJ’s Big Blog is reporting the judges’ choices for the Top 3…

Ellen has chosen “Maybe I’m Amazed” by Paul McCartney for Crystal. Simon has chosen “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen (best known by Jeff Buckley) for Lee. Kara and Randy have chosen “Daughters” by John Mayer for Casey.
I have to say of the three, Ellen probably made the best choice.
I can understand Kara and Randy thinking John Mayer for Casey, but “Daughters” is such a bland song. Why not go with “Say What You Need to Say” or “Heartbreak Warfare”? Maybe they’re setting Casey up to fail?
Simon usually makes the best choice of all the judges, but I have to question this one big time. Yes, “Hallelujah” is a powerful song capable of producing a real moment for Lee. But we’ve already heard the song once this season (although I have no doubt that Lee will completely outsing Tim) and it’s so connected with Season 7’s Jason Castro. But Simon’s usually right about these things, so I guess I’ll trust his judgment.
If I was choosing for Crystal I would choose “Angels Would Fall” by Melissa Etheridge. I’d probably go with “I’m Still Here” by John Rzeznik (of the Goo Goo Dolls) for Lee. And for Casey, I’d probably go with “Far Away” by Nickelback.
The contestants will also do another song of their own choosing.
What do you guys think of the choices? What would you have them sing?
And is it just me, or does "Daughters" seem way more appropriate for Big Mike? Hmmm...
Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX