A Gaggle of Girls Make the Cut...
Taylor Vaifanua…Cut to her forgetting lyrics on Group Day, but she improved with her solo performance of “I Ain’t Got You”…She’s through…Am I the only one who wasn’t impressed?...
Jasmine Murray in…
Arianna Afsar in…
Casey Carlson in…
Megan Corkrey in…
Mishavonna Henson in…
Stevie Wright in…
Joanna Pacitti…Cut to her forgetting lyrics during every performance in Hollywood…And you know she’s still going to get through…Paula says it’s been a tough road and Joanna says she still hasn’t shown what she can do…Kara reminds us she’s had label deals and asks when she is going to step out and show who she is. Good question, Kara. Joanna says now is the time…Simon says that will happen when someone gives her a break…She’s, of course, in…Still not sure how I feel about that…