Idol Chit-Chat
This is your place to discuss all things "American Idol." The performances, the judges, the past contestants — it’s all right here.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Remember It's a Television Show...

Tonight’s episode is a perfect example of something we all know about this show, but should remind ourselves quite often.

Yes, “Idol” is the search for a music superstar. But first and foremost it is a television show…

Remember that just because someone made it through tonight does not mean they’re going to make it into the top 36. It’s possible that they were put through simply for the drama.

Why do you think Bikini Girl made it so far?

You’ll notice that Tatiana would have been safe in either room she was in, so were the judges ever really reconsidering her or did they just want to watch her fall apart? And we all heard how bad her final performance was so is she really going to make the top 36 or did they put her through to watch her freak out sitting in the chair?

And what about Nick Mitchell, aka Norman Gentle? Is the show really going to put him through? I have to believe no, but putting him through tonight does build the suspense.

And they need all the suspense they can get since the show is two hours long tomorrow night…

It was interesting to watch the “ringer,” Joanna Pacitti, fall apart, but I’ve got to think that she’ll make the top 36 for her story alone. And I only caught a glimpse of him before a commercial break, but I’ve got to believe that Brent made it as well. Whether he makes the top 36 or not could be up for grabs, though, because there are a lot of talented guys this year…

And speaking of talented guys, I should let all of you know that I am now officially in love this season. I first fell in love in season four with Constantine. Then in season five it was Ace and season six, it was Blake. It took me a while to fall in love with David Cook last season, but when I did, I fell hard.

But this year, I am already head over heels for Danny Gokey. Anyone who can make “I Hope You Dance” into a song I want to hear over and over is pretty awesome. He could go record that baby right now. I know the previews made it look like Danny is in trouble, but I don’t believe that for a second. I am poised and ready to vote for him when his group comes up…

And speaking of people in trouble, the previews insinuated that some contestants may be given another chance to sing for their survival during tomorrow night’s episode. I honestly don’t know whether that’s true or if that’s more of the judges drawing out the drama.

Because remember, it is first and foremost a television show…

“American Idol” airs for two hours tomorrow night beginning at 8 on FOX…