The First Two Are Revealed...
So I had a scare earlier tonight when I got home and my electricity was off. But we’re here now…Lets hope it stays that way…
The Judges’ Mansion. Ooooh…Instead of the long hallway, we’ve got the long garden. What an upgrade!...But what’s the point? Is someone trying to sell this house or something?…And I guess this sing-off thing is for real…
Anoop Desai goes first. Kara says he always surprised them…Cut to him singing “What Becomes of the Broken Hearted”…He’s in…
Von Smith…He’s more prepared for a no than a yes…Cut to Simon trashing him…He says he went against his parents and didn’t go over the top…Simon says that decision made the judges’ decision for them…He’s in…Interesting…
I miss the elevator already…