Normally, I would complain about a two-hour episode of “Idol.” But not last night. Not when it’s my favorite part of the entire season.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, last night we got the drama that is Group Day. And we got two full hours of it…
Personally, for me, there was too much singing and not enough drama. But then, this is a singing competition, isn’t it? Sorry, sometimes I forget…
Group Day actually begins the night before (around 8:30 p.m.) when the contestants start dividing up into groups. But this task was made even harder when they were told that the groups must be a mixture of Day 1 and Day 2 contestants—which totally screwed up the plans of the Day 1 singers who had already started forming groups and choosing their songs…
One of those groups in a jam was the Sugar Mamas, which included Brett Lowenstern and Denise Williams. They needed a Day 2 contestant and they picked up Jessica Yantz…
No big shocker that Tiffany Rios was having trouble finding a group, but I was surprised to see Scotty McCreery struggling to find one. Tiffany tried to recruit him, but he got away from her. However, Tiffany did manage to get through to Jessica Yantz and stole her away from the Sugar Mamas. So, the Sugar Mamas made a move on Scotty, but he kept on shopping, only to get shut down by an extremely picky Jordan Dorsey. Scotty kept on searching, as did Tiffany and Jessica and the Sugar Mamas…
At around 10:30 p.m., Scotty finally found a home with the Gwops, who already had a Day 2 contestant in 15-year-old Jacee Badeaux. Immediately, some group members started to get concerned about the group having five people…
Drama queen Ashley Sullivan joined the Day 1 group, The Hits, and everything seemed happy—which was a major indication that things would go south very soon…
After attempting to gain additional team members by begging into a microphone with no success, Tiffany and Jessica were told by a producer that they could have a team of two instead of the minimum of three…
The Minors, which were made up of 15 and 16-year-olds were getting a lot of coaching from their moms, which annoyed James Drubin and The Deep Vs, mainly because they were doing the same song, Queen’s “Somebody to Love”…
Exes Rob and Chelsee teamed up with their new friend, Jacqueline, to form the group Three’s Company. The original plan was to have Jacqueline’s boyfriend, Nick, be the fourth member. But, of course, he didn’t make it through, which created problems for Rob since he and Chelsee weren’t really on speaking terms. As Rob put it, “I’m screwed”…
At around Midnight, the drama finally hit Ashley Sullivan as she said she was done and wanted to go home. A producer asked Ashley to take some time to think about it, so she went off with her boyfriend to think while her group practiced without her…
Clint finally won out with The Gwops and they let Jacee go. So the 15-year-old was looking for a new group at around 1 a.m…
And Jordan Dorsey, who had been so picky about who could join his group, decided to leave his group, much to the chagrin of his groupmates, and join Four Plus One…
At 2:30 a.m., Ashley finally made her decision. She decided to stay, and even though they had been practicing pretty well without her, The Hits took her back with open arms…
Meanwhile, the Sugar Mamas were starting to face the realization that they were going to have to break up without a Day 2 contestant. But then Jacee came to the rescue and they welcomed him with open arms as they rechristened their group, Sugar Mama and the Babies. Jacee was glad to have found a group, but he didn’t know the song they were singing, “Mercy”…
At around 4:20 a.m., Three’s Company was still working as Rob continued to have problems with Jacqueline and Chelsee. Plus, even vocal coach Debra Byrd jumped his case. Personally, I think he was having trouble remembering the words because of the situation. After all, he was doing Cee-Lo's "Forget You," with his ex-girlfriend...
At 7 a.m., it was time for the 39 groups to get ready. And at 8:30 a.m., the first group took to the stage to do “Grenade.” Among the singers were Pia Toscano, Alessandra Guercio and Brielle Von Hugel. The harmonies were good, but I thought the verses were a touch weak. The judges loved it, though, and they all went through…
Then it was time for Four Plus One to take the stage and sing “I Want You Back.” Jordan Dorsey, Robbie Rosen and two others all went through, but I thought Jordan was pretty weak for all the smack he was talking…
The group Jordan left, 440, was up next doing “Forget You.” Adrian Michael and Lauren Turner were seriously good and they both went through, along with their other group members, Erica and Shane…
When Rebel Star, the duo of Tiffany Rios and Jessica Yantz, took the stage to sing their duet of “Irreplaceable,” JLo said she was “so scared.” And she had reason to be as it was hideous. I have no idea why the judges let Tiffany through to start with. Randy cut them off fairly early and sent them both home. Jessica, who made one of the worst decisions in “Idol” history pairing up with Jessica, took the rejection extremely well…
Spanglish found themselves in a bit of a jam when one of their members overslept, causing a short delay in the action. But Steven filled it by hitting the stage and playing the drums. When Spanglish did take the stage to sing “Just the Way You Are,” Jovany Barneto, Kevin Campos, Jorge Gabriel, and Karen Rodriguez were shaky at times, but had a great ending. However, the whole group didn’t make it, as Jorge was left behind—after Steven caused a little confusion by almost announcing the wrong names…
Center Stage group member Angela Cheslock of Ohio demonstrated why she’s known as Noodle Nose by putting noodles up her nose and pulling them out her mouth. YUCK! For a gimmick, the girls, which included judges’ fave, Lauren Elaina, had Steven sit on stage with them for their rendition of “Some Kind of Wonderful.” He completely played along and even sang with them. But only Lauren made it through. I thought the second girl was good, as well…
The Nashville Stars, which included Colton Dixon, Matt Dillard, and three others, were a jumbled mess doing “Just the Way You Are.” Only Colton survived…
We then got a montage of bad singers and ones who forgot their words—Shannon Livewell, Briana Tyson, Janelle Arthur, Alyson Jados, and Caitlin Koch. The montage also included judges’ fave, Paris Tassin (Her story involved her caring for her young daughter.), who totally butchered “Only Girl in the World”…
Also out were Emily Anne Reed, Alyson Jados, Adrienne Beasly, Courtney Penry, Janelle Arthur and Aaron Gutierrez. Nick Gutierrez moved on…

After a pep talk to all the contestants from Randy, The Hits took the stage with “Hit ‘Em Up Style.” It was a gorgeous rendition and all of them—Kecira Lynn Ford, Ashley Sullivan, Ashthon Jones, and one other girl—went through…

The Minors continued to get advice from their moms, which continued to frustrate The Deep Vs, who took the stage and offered a big mess with “Somebody to Love.” The rest of the group basically turned the song completely over to James Durbin, and he and Caleb went through. Danny Pate, John Jordan and Emma Henry, who JLo predicted would get eaten up in Hollywood, went home. And The Minors’ moms offered a harsh critique of the song as well…
But The Minors delivered on their moms’ promises as they delivered a killer version of “Somebody to Love.” Keonna Evans, Jalen Harris, Sarina-Joi Crowe, Deandre Brackensick and one other guy went through. Steven said it was what he “joined forces with ‘American Idol’ to hear”…
After 4 p.m., Rob of Three’s Company was almost unconscious while his group mates discussed how they need to concentrate on themselves…
Back on stage, another version of “Grenade” completely exploded. Steven Clauson had the words written on his hand, and Randy told JLo he was “definitely gone.” Corey Levoy also forgot the words, but Hollie Cavanagh was not too bad. She and Corey went through. I would’ve sent Corey home, and apparently he felt the same because he actually asked the judges why before Randy chased him off the stage…
The Night Owls did an a capella version of “Get Ready.” Julie Zorrila and one of my faves, Casey Abrams, went through, while Dan Noguchi, Lara Johnston and Melissa Lucas went home. I honestly didn’t think they were all that bad…
Four Non Blondes and That Guy did “Forget You.” Caleb Hawley, Chris Medina and Carson Higgins advanced while an angry Devyn Rush went home. And quite frankly, I can’t really blame her for being angry, Corey Levoy went through based on his earlier performances, but she didn’t get the same opportunity. And Chris Medina was pretty weak based on what I heard…
At around 6 p.m., it was finally time for the Sugar Mama and the Babies to do their version of “Mercy.” Denise Jackson, Stevie Cain, Natalie Hanson, and especially Brett Lowenstern rocked it, while Jacee Badeaux sounded good, but he had to make up new words when he forgot the real ones. But because they were so cute, it actually sounded good. After wavering a little on Jacee, the judges sent all of them through. I admit I teared up a little when Jacee teared up at the ovation he received when his teammates told everyone what had happened to him…
Next up was the group that kicked Jacee out, The Gwops. Randy made them fess up and tell what they had done. Scotty apologized for not standing up for Jacee and said he was the best kid there. Perhaps that moment explains why Scotty seemed so shaky during his group’s very moody rendition of “Get Ready.” But he, Monique De Los Santos, Frances Coontz, and Clint Jun Gamboa all went through. Scotty immediately broke down after leaving the stage…
67 people had gone home by the time the final group, Three’s Company, took the stage to do “Forget You.” Chelsee Oaks sounded pretty strong, while Jacqueline Dunford was a little weak and shocked Randy by actually singing the word s—t. But Rob was a complete mess, not even attempting the real words and instead just singing about how tired he was. The judges were completely disappointed and disgusted and sent Rob home while the ladies moved on. Chelsee was pretty upset, but she said once again that she and Rob were not getting back together. However, Jacqueline said they would. For his part, Rob said, “I’m done” and walked away…
Tomorrow, it’s the solo rounds and the rooms of people waiting. And 100 will go down to 50…
On my watch list are Adrian Michael, Lauren Turner, Casey Abrams and especially Brett Lowenstern. I would also keep an eye on Jacob Lusk, about whom Ryan said, “A new star is born”…
What did you guys think? Who were the people that stood out for you? And how glad are you that Tiffany Rios is gone?
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Photos Credit: Michael Becker/FOX