The Confusion Continues...
Rodney Ho, the longtime “Idol” reporter from the “Atlanta Journal-Constitution,” reported this week that the show will add online voting to phone and text voting this season.
According to Ho, Executive Producer Nigel Lythgoe told him this at an interview during a “So You Think You Can Dance” audition in Atlanta. But according to Ho, an “Idol” publicist later told him it wasn’t yet a done deal.
It’s just one more example of the confusion that has permeated this season. Another example? The confusion over how many semifinalists we will see chosen tomorrow night.
All of the January and February press releases said it would be a Top 20 (which is what I went with in this week’s column), but now people are reporting that it will be a Top 24. And Ryan Seacrest even said that at the end of last Thursday’s episode.
So what is right? I guess we’ll all have to just wait and find out…