Tonight’s hour in Austin kicked off with an apology for Steven’s behavior last week. I know it was a joke, but I didn’t think it was funny.
“Idol” should NEVER apologize for Steven. EVER…
The Tylerisms got kicked off quickly as he told a contestant with the last name Muck, “You know what muck rhymes with, don’t you? Read my lips!” Gotta love him…
The auditions began with Corey Levoy, who came with his newly discovered sister, Brooks. The two lived 15 minutes away from each other their whole lives without knowing they were brother and sister. Can you imagine? Of course, the judges brought Brooks in to join them as Corey did an unexpected version of “I Can’t Make You Love Me.” I say unexpected, because his speaking voice was so high I wasn’t sure where he would go with his singing voice. I thought he sounded a lot like Gary LeVox of Rascal Flatts, only a lot less nasal. He went through to Hollywood…
Let me just insert here that I love Steven Tyler’s glasses…

Hollie Cavanaugh, 17, made the TERRIBLE choice to sing “At Last.” It’s a difficult song anyway, but she didn’t do herself any favors by changing keys at least three times while she was singing. Kudos to JLo, though, for recognizing her talent and giving her another chance. Her second choice, “The Climb,” was MUCH better. But I think she’ll get chewed up in Hollywood…

After a montage of rejections, we met Rodolfo Ochoa, who did what he said was “Circle of Life,” but I definitely didn’t recognize it. He took his rejection very well…

Cowboys were the theme of the next montage, which was capped off by 23-year-old John Wayne Schulz who did Brooks & Dunn’s “Believe” to fulfill a promise to his mother. Every year I fall for a cute young guy. John could very well be this year’s so I look forward to what he does in Hollywood. I admit I teared up when the judges brought in his parents and his mother started crying.
There was also a great exchange in the hallway when John’s mother told Ryan his father wanted “a son that was rough and tough.” Ryan: “It would really suck if I was your son. Dad: “No, you wouldn’t be the way you are now”…

Courtney Penry, 17, has no problem with the way Ryan is because she told the cameras that he is the sexiest man alive and she plans to marry him some day. After her chicken impersonation, she did Sugarland’s “Stay.” I was shocked that she could actually sing! The judges put her through, but JLo told her she had some weaknesses and Randy said she had some bad habits. Yet neither of them offered what those were…

The next three golden ticket recipients went by fairly quickly. Shauntel Campos (“Ain’t No Sunshine”), Alex Carr (“This House Is Not a Home”) and Caleb Johnson (something about a rusty nail). Of the three, Caleb made the biggest impression on me with his powerful, soulful voice…
During a montage of contestants going to Hollywood, one told the panel that he did clinical trials. Steven’s response: “That was pretty much the whole 70s for me”…

Next up was a couple—Jacqueline Dunford, 22, and her boyfriend, Nick Fink, 19.

Jacqueline did a great rendition of “Mercy.” JLo and Randy spent her song laughing at a proud Nick, but Steven never took his eyes off Jacqueline. Nick did a Michael Buble-style version of “Sunday Morning.” They both went through, but the question now is whether they will last…
Janelle Arthur, 20, did a slow, oozing type of song that was really good, but Steven asked for another more up-tempo number. She did a blazing version of “No One Needs to Know” that Randy quickly cut off because he had heard enough. She easily went through…
After a contestant entered in an armadillo costume, we got a montage of Randy “showing his teeth.” He does tend to get a little grumpy sometimes…
That was followed by a montage of contestants getting grumpy…

The final contestant of the day was Casey Abrams, 19, who played the melodica (a harmonica with piano keys). The episodes never end on a sour note, but I had my doubts with Casey. However, he did a killer rendition of “I Don’t Need No Doctor” complete with scatting and screaming. As Steven said, “It was sick good.” He may be one to watch…
In all, 50 people advanced to Hollywood. Tomorrow, we head back to LA…
So what did you guys think? What were your favorites? And are you as relieved as I am that tonight’s episode was only an hour?
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Photos Credit: Michael Becker/FOX