Let's Get This Party Started!
So the remix got cued tonight and of course the show had to spend the first ten minutes reminding us that everything was different, as if we didn’t already know.

But as far as those new judges, I thought they were pretty good. Jennifer Lopez was kind and fair and gave good criticism. Steven Tyler also gave good criticism most of the time and he wasn’t afraid to jump in there and sing or play along. Plus, you never knew what would come out of his mouth, and whether it would get bleeped or not (Surely the live show will be on a delay this season.)—which was fun.
And Steven was right. There was definitely a camaraderie I haven’t seen on the show before.
Could “Idol” actually survive the departure of Simon Cowell? I think it’s a distinct possibility…
But they had best bring back Ryan saying, “THIS…” at the top of each show. I’m not sure I could take it if they didn’t…
I’ll have a complete recap of the night a little later. In the meantime, feel free to post your thoughts here. Or share them with me at Facebook.com/angelahbentley or on Twitter @angelahbentley.
Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX