Idol Chit-Chat
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Denver: The Mile High City Hits Some High Notes

We’re in the homestretch now, kids, which you know makes me very happy…

Here are my thoughts on Denver…

“Tempted” was a great choice for an audition song for Mark, but did we really need to know every little detail of his childhood, Simon?...

I’m sorry, but Mario (“Jailhouse Rock”) and his nervous laugh was actually funny…

Kimberly’s (“The Way I Am”) audition was weird and she wasn’t that good…

With Danelle’s (“I’m the Only One”) emotion, I can’t help but wonder if she’ll get chewed up and spit out in Hollywood…

I agree that Casey (?) looked better with his hair down, but I also agree that he was not that good. And I love that Simon said it was turning into “Project Runway”…

So Simon trashed Tori’s singing (“Gravity”)—which I thought was good with a bold choice of song—and then kissed up to her daughter, Hope? You gotta love him…

Austin (“Bigger Than My Body”) said that his teammates got mad at him for not doing much since he’s the long snapper. But I bet they get even madder at him when he screws up. That’s kind of an important gig…

There should have been nothing funny about Kenny’s (“Be Without You”) audition, yet somehow I laughed. I especially laughed when Victoria tried to find something positive…

Nice use of Katharine McPhee’s “Had It All.” That song grows on you…

Nicci (“Something Kind of Ooh…”) is the perfect example of someone who will get chewed up and spit out in Hollywood…

Especially since FOX confirmed by press release today that there will indeed be a Group Day…WOO-HOO!!!...

And please tell me that the producers put Ty (“Achy Breaky Heart”) up to that “Bikini Boy” crap…

All in all, Denver sent 26 through to Hollywood. If I had to pick a fave, I would go with Mark, if only for his choice of “Tempted”…

Tomorrow night, we see the best of the rest on “The Road to Hollywood.” Remember that it airs at 9 p.m. on FOX…