Dallas: NPH Rocks!
Those of you who read my “Stay Tuned” blog on a regular basis already know this, but let me share it with the rest of you…

He was funny, honest AND not afraid to take on Simon. Much to Simon’s chagrin…
Here are my thoughts on Dallas…
Aww. Paula. Oh how I miss you…
Leave it to NPH to make fun of Julie’s (“Black Velvet”) sign before her voice…
Lloyd (“Overjoyed”) was good and a cool dude, but why did Simon adore him so much? He wasn’t that good…
Does anyone else think that NPH should have been hired as the fourth judge? Maybe he could replace Kara? Twentieth Century Fox produces “How I Met Your Mother.” They couldn’t make that happen? I love that he was unafraid to take on Simon full force…
What did Simon mean when he said to the other judges about Kimberly (her original “jazzy” song) that under normal circumstances you wouldn’t be interested? I don’t think I liked his tone…
Although the whip was a bit much, I loved Erica’s (“Free Your Mind”) song choice…
I think Dave (“Bring It On Home to Me”) and his Tourette’s could be a big story in Hollywood…
Clearly the producers realized which guest judge was the best since they gave Joe Jonas less than 20 minutes…
And I can see why. What is up with his nonchalant “yeah” when the judges vote? That is seriously annoying…
Vanessa (“At Last”) was definitely one of those who knew she was bad. She was just looking for her 15 minutes of fame. Those people drive me crazy…
All in all, 31 people from Dallas made it to Hollywood. And Joe Jonas gets the award for most pointless guest judge thus far. Although I’m sure Simon appreciated NPH’s departure…
Tuesday, we go to Denver, where the panel will once again be joined by Victoria Beckham. Then we get the special “The Road to Hollywood” episode on Wednesday, which will show us auditions from all the cities that we have not seen before…
See you then…
Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX