The Day After...
So here is some news I learned since I signed off last night, courtesy of Whitney Pastorek over at…
But first, let me ask a question that’s been nagging me all day. Why tease me with the three groups of three if you’re not going to do it right? Stupid hour-long results shows…

Apparently, Ryan was unable to do his radio show yesterday morning because he was sick, so there was some concern that he wouldn’t be able to do “Idol” last night. Cat Deeley of “So You Think You Can Dance” was on standby…
But here’s the big news that came out this week, courtesy of Did you hear the guy in the audience who yelled “Broken record” during Kara’s critique of Megan’s performance? Turns out it was Megan’s brother, C.J. and Kara didn’t like it. In fact, during the commercial break, Kara went over to him to find out who he was and what he meant. C.J. told Whitney at that he told her “‘Package artist’ is your package phrase” and she stormed off. But later, when she realized that he was Megan’s brother, she went back to smooth it over.
And that wasn’t Kara’s only incident Tuesday night. After she made her “Studio 57” comment to Adam, Simon immediately corrected her (It’s Studio 54. Kara and numbers…). Then, during the commercial break, she stood up, looked at a friend in the audience, made a slashing gesture across her throat and mouthed, “I’m dead.”
Clearly, it wasn’t Kara’s best week. But then, has she had even a good week so far?...
Oh, and Neil Patrick Harris was once again in the audience. Let’s put him on the stage next week, okay?...
Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX