Idol Chit-Chat
This is your place to discuss all things "American Idol." The performances, the judges, the past contestants — it’s all right here.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

9:24 We’re back…Ryan intros David Cook singing his new single, “Come Back to Me.” This was taped two weeks ago…Doesn’t he look cute? He looks so much better without that skull cap…Notice he’s playing the AC guitar…By the way, they’re also releasing “Bar-ba-sol” to rock stations at the same time…David’s mom is in the audience…Ryan comes over to him…David says it’s weird being back…David tries to answer Ryan’s question, but he’s interrupted by girls yelling, “We love you, David” to which he responds, “Not as much as I love you”…Ryan says he has a gift for him…Two girls come out with the plaque that certifies his album going platinum and he tears up a little and tells Ryan, “I always seem to cry on this stage”…Break…

Have I mentioned that he's AWESOME?

9:31 Sneak peek of the video for the song…I love that whole walking backwards thing…