Idol Chit-Chat
This is your place to discuss all things "American Idol." The performances, the judges, the past contestants — it’s all right here.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Will Megan Go Home? I Won't "Stop Believin'"

Most of the sites I read on the Internet today agree with my assessment that Megan is going home today…

Boy do I hope we’re all right…

Here we go…

9:00 Another dramatic taped intro with judges comments over pictures. I actually like these…Kris, Danny and Adam are shown as the best…And how long did it take Paula to memorize her comments to Adam last night?...

9:01 Ryan down the stairs…Alexis Grace is in the house sitting next to Jason Castro…Over 36 million votes. I guess the texts were being processed faster because the confirmations came through very quickly last night…Ryan sets up the show…Intros the judges. Kara’s a tad too happy…

9:03 Ryan asks Randy about song choice. Randy repeats his phrase about “just because you love a song doesn’t mean you’re going to sing it well.” I think that’s the most astute comment he’s ever made…Ryan asks Kara about the audience heckling her. She says she feels like part of the gang now…Ryan asks Paula how the other contestants are going to keep up with Adam. She says “each and everyone of you possesses that potential”…Ryan asks Simon who should leave tonight. He says Anoop, Matt and Megan should be worried. Megan gives a crazy wave to the camera in response…

9:06 Ford commercial… “Mixed Up”…Kris and Matt rap…the picture splits into threes and mixes parts of the Idols and the cars. It’s hard to explain…Oh lord, the group number is “Don’t Stop Believin’”…Allison…Kris…Scott is on the keyboard…Scott…Megan…Anoop…I’m paying pretty close attention this week because I think they might actually be singing…Lil. Man whoever is helping her pick out her clothes is awesome…Danny actually sounds like Steve Perry…Okay, they might actually be singing, but there’s no way that Scott is actually playing…Matt…Adam…Okay, what was with the close-up on Adam’s black nail polish?...That wasn’t too painful…Break