Idol Chit-Chat
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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So Who's Going Home?

So since we’re down to the Top 9, we might get Ryan’s three groups of three trick tomorrow night with the top three, the bottom three and the middle three. If that’s the case, I think the top three will be Adam, Kris and Danny.

The bottom three? I’m going to go with Megan, Matt and Anoop.

So who’s going home? I’m torn between Megan and Matt. I really want Megan to go, but Matt bombed a current song. And he was in the bottom three last week.

But I’m going with my heart and saying it’s finally time for Megan to go. I think that Matt’s fans will rally after last week.

However, I have to ask, is the show trying to get rid of him? First they make him go first and then they make him perform in the middle of the audience with Ryan talking over his intro. I think they would’ve treated him a little better after last week if they wanted him to do well…

What do you guys think? Do you agree with me about Megan or do you think someone else is going home?