Breaking News: Megan's Explanation: "I love birds"
Allow me to interrupt your day by telling you that yes, I did behave myself during today’s conference call with Megan. But it was hard…
Because I really felt like the reporters were letting her get off too easy with her explanation of why she did the bird stuff. And so many of the reporters were telling her how much they were going to miss her because she brought originality to the show.
Is that what you call it…
But since I couldn’t think of anything else to ask but “Are you kidding us with this crap? What’s the matter with you?” I kept my mouth shut.
For the record, Megan’s explanation was, “I love birds and bird noises and I just decided if I’m going out, I’m going out with a bang. I’ll just be myself.”
See what I mean?
I’ll have more from Megan later tonight…