Whitney Bites and America Gets Another Guy Right
8:48 We’re back…Ryan asks the judges if it will be Asia’h or Kristy Lee…Randy says Asia’h will stay…Paula reminds us this is the most talented season and says something about how hard it is to sing after getting bad news and how the contestants don’t have to sing. Yes they do. Those are the rules…She won’t say who’s going…Simon says Asia’h’s going based on the song…Asia’h…is going home. Kristy Lee is in the top 12. So Whitney did bite someone last night…She’s smiling…Goodbye video to “Hollywood Is Not America.” I really like that song…The girls all gather round and hug her. Asia’h fixes her hair before she stands next to Ryan…Ryan once again gives a choice to sing or not…Ryan, she just spent the last minute fixing her hair and shirt. Of course she wants to sing…Asia’h seems a little robotic. I think she’s focusing really hard on her notes so it sounds good, and it does…Ryan gives her a chance to talk to her fans. He didn’t give anyone else that chance…Paula hollers that it’s her best vocal yet…Chikezie and Danny come to the center of the stage…Ryan asks Danny why he’s so upset. He says he got close to both of the girls that went home…Ramiele’s a wreck…Chikezie…is in the top 12. YES!!!...Ramiele is devastated…As is Danny. He and Chikezie hug for so long that Ryan has to tell him to take a seat…Ryan calls Danny “one of the most courageous contestants in Idol history.” Talk about a veiled reference…Goodbye video to “Best Days.” I like that song too…Danny does “Tainted Love.” Man, do I hate that arrangement…Talk about attitude…Simon can’t help but smile…The other contestants stand behind him on the stage. Ramiele is still a wreck…Ramiele tries to smile at Danny…
8:59 Ryan plugs “New Amsterdam.” I like that show, but I’ve got to watch “Lost.” It’s become an obsession really…Video introducing the top 12…And we’re out…