The Results Begin...
8:07 Does anybody know what that song is that plays during the “Canterbury’s Law” commercials? I like it…We’re back…Ryan’s walking in the middle of the urinal chairs…Ryan says over 36 million votes came in this week…The guys are seated on the stage and the girls are down on the floor…Ryan intros the judges…Ryan congratulates Paula for “Dance Like There’s No Tomorrow” being #1 on iTunes. She thanks Ryan for playing it. Ryan asks if Simon is going to say congratulations. He says he can’t say the word, but he does say well done. I say WOO-HOO! She’s back, baby!...
8:09 Guys recap…They replay Randy’s comments to Michael, but they do not replay him saying INXS did “Don’t You Forget About Me”…Wow. Luke’s performance really was bad, wasn’t it?...Man, Danny really is annoying, isn’t he? I know he thinks he’s funny when he strikes back at Simon, but he isn’t…Man, Jason was good, wasn’t he? But that song makes me think of the end of the first season of “The O.C.” which just makes me want to throw something at the TV…
8:13 Ryan stands in front of the guys…”Eight faces, six places.” Catchy, Ryan. Lights down…David C. stands…Ryan says he talked to Lionel Richie today and he loved his performance…David is in the top 12…
8:14 David Archuleta stands…Do we even have to ask?...David is in the top 12…Two Davids down, one to go…Jason stands…He’s in the top 12…Five guys left…Ryan’s being awfully serious tonight…Move to the girls…after the break…