Results Minute-By-Minute: Blake Gets Gipped
7:58 Intro. Yea! It’s the urinal chairs! Of course, Ryan had to plug the new stage—again—and the Lennon-McCartney catalog—again. Next week’s show better be something really special—especially since it’s two hours long!
7:59 Ryan walks up the stairs to the red room where all of the contestants are waiting. Ryan introduces Blake Lewis. That was quick. Where was the setup? Ryan didn’t even introduce the judges…This sucks! People haven’t tuned in yet! Stupid 19/Arista…I should have warned you that Blake has a little trouble hitting all the notes on this one. But it is a GREAT song…Ryan didn’t even give the crowd a chance to cheer him. What is the deal here? Did Blake have a hot date or something?...Well, Paula likes it…Wow, he missed the bridge there. His band didn’t really help. I don’t think this is going to get a lot of downloads tomorrow…Nice beatboxing at the end though…
8:03 Ryan walks up to shake his hand and interview him. Blake tells the contestants to stay true to themselves and listen to the good criticism of the judges…Ryan jokes that Chris Sligh is in his band and the camera shows a guy with fuzzy hair…Ryan promises the fun stuff is over and it’s time for the drama. So is that why we made Blake open the show? Because we didn’t want to interrupt the drama? Why didn’t they use it as a stall tactic to extend the drama when MORE PEOPLE WERE WATCHING?!...Sorry. I’m okay now…Break…