A Long Overdue Departure...
8:32 We're back...On next week’s results show people can call in and talk on the air live. What?! I share Simon’s concern. See what happens when you have to fill an hour? Stupid writers’ strike...Lights down…David Hernandez. Uh-oh…He’s in the top 12. YEA!!!...Asia’h gives him a big hug. David A. barely shakes his hand. Hmmm…Michael Johns stands up…No stalling. In top 12…Luke Menard…What is up with everyone’s clothes tonight? That shirt is ugly...Luke is gone. It’s about daggone time…That leaves Chikezie and Danny on the couch. Interesting…Luke is cute, though. It’s a shame he couldn’t sing…Goodbye video set to a song I don’t know. It sounds like it’s called “It’s a Wonderful World”…Ryan asks Paula for her advice for Luke since she’s standing. Simon says she wants to go to the bathroom, which she denies. And to prove it, she dances along to Luke’s performance of “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go.”…That’s a great song choice if he could actually sing it…
8:38 Danny sits on the couch just oozing attitude. I really hope he’s the one gone…Break…