Secrets From Wednesday's Show

Since I can’t be there to see the results show in person, I have to rely on the reports of others to get the secrets of the broadcast. This week it’s Adam Vary from…
I’m actually a little upset with myself that I didn’t notice Katharine McPhee and David Foster’s performance was not live. The performance was taped about an hour before the show…
I knew there was something up with that whole viewer question bit because I couldn’t believe they’d let that stuff go live. It was recorded as well…
Michael Johns and Jason Castro weren’t the only ones who did a hoedown during Kristy Lee Cook’s disaster. Executive Producer Nigel Lythgoe square-danced with a crew member. Michael, Jason and Carly Smithson also did what Vary calls Kristy’s “wide-stance twist-dance.” The website has been making fun of Kristy’s “wide stance” for weeks…
When the show finally returned live after all the taped nonsense, it was about 10 seconds before Paula made it back to her seat…
Simon, who usually leaves the studio very quickly, spent a “surprising” amount of time talking to David Hernandez after he was eliminated. He also spent some time with Carly and Michael. He had some words to say to Kristy too, but Vary reports that “based on the look she gave him as he stepped away, I doubt she was exactly thrilled with it.” My guess as to what he said: “You were extremely lucky tonight”…
I’m actually a little upset with myself that I didn’t notice Katharine McPhee and David Foster’s performance was not live. The performance was taped about an hour before the show…
I knew there was something up with that whole viewer question bit because I couldn’t believe they’d let that stuff go live. It was recorded as well…
Michael Johns and Jason Castro weren’t the only ones who did a hoedown during Kristy Lee Cook’s disaster. Executive Producer Nigel Lythgoe square-danced with a crew member. Michael, Jason and Carly Smithson also did what Vary calls Kristy’s “wide-stance twist-dance.” The website has been making fun of Kristy’s “wide stance” for weeks…
When the show finally returned live after all the taped nonsense, it was about 10 seconds before Paula made it back to her seat…
Simon, who usually leaves the studio very quickly, spent a “surprising” amount of time talking to David Hernandez after he was eliminated. He also spent some time with Carly and Michael. He had some words to say to Kristy too, but Vary reports that “based on the look she gave him as he stepped away, I doubt she was exactly thrilled with it.” My guess as to what he said: “You were extremely lucky tonight”…