9:45 We’re back…Jim Carrey is now sitting with the Idols…He says he shouldn’t have done REO Speedwagon…I was hoping he was gone…Didn’t Brad Garrett do that same trick last year?...Ryan brings down David A., David H., Brooke and Ramiele…
9:46 David A…safe…LOTS of screams…David H. looks VERY worried…Brooke…safe…That leaves David H. and Ramiele…Man, I hope I voted enough times…They hug…Ramiele…David H…Ramiele…safe…Dang it! Maybe I didn’t vote enough times…David H. is in the bottom three…Ryan asks him how he’s doing. He points out that it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going home. I wish, David, but I think you’re in trouble. Only Kristy’s hoedown can save you now…Simon is totally bored…It wasn’t that bad, was it?...
9:50 Ryan brings down the bottom three…One to safety…after the break…