The First Bottom Three of the Season Begins...
9:07 We’re back…Recap…If Michael wasn’t halfway decent looking, he might be in trouble. That really wasn’t that good…And what was up with the way David H. pronounced “dance”?...They showed Ramiele, David H., and Kristy Lee back-to-back, could that be the bottom three?...You just knew that lyric thing would come back and bite David A. at some point. Remember, he forgot the words at his first audition…
9:11 Why does Ryan tease us by saying it’s time for the results. It is not…Looking for bottom three…Lights down…Carly, Michael, Jason and Syesha stand…
9:12 Carly…safe…Michael…safe. He asks Ryan, “What is wrong with you?” after his fakeout…Jason…safe…Syesha…This could be bad…She looks worried…bottom three…You could just tell, couldn’t you?...Randy and Paula say her leaving would be the wrong choice…Simon says she deserves to be in the bottom three…She sings “Got to Get You Into My Life”…Please tell me that Kristy Lee hasn’t been spared from the bottom three! That would be just plain messed up…I like Syesha, but that performance is a little pitchy—especially that last part. And, of course, she had to throw in some extra stuff at the end. It didn’t work…After the break…