Is This Over Yet?
9:32 We’re back…Ryan is in front of a computer…Ryan brings up the first question on the screen and on audio, a la a radio talk show. It’s for Jason. Which judge would he like to be? He says he’s most unlike Paula and then he rambles something else…
9:34 Someone who has auditioned six times asks for advice from the judges about his next audition. Simon says to get another job…Next question: Why don’t Ryan and Simon just duke it out on stage? Ryan says, “Load in the mud, I’m ready” and of course, Simon responds with “Of course you are, Ryan”…
9:35 Ryan drops a caller that says Simon is sexy…Last question for Simon: Does America or England have the best singing talent? He says American singers have the most talent, but the British judges have the most talent…Man, that was stupid…
9:36 Kat and David Foster (on piano) doing “Something”…Kat is wearing the most sparkly dress I’ve ever seen. And boy, is it short...and tight…and stupid looking in the back…Okay, was anyone else creeped out by that look David Foster just gave her? I know he was giving her some kind of direction, but that smile was a little creepy for me…Okay, the point of this is what, other than to appease Kat? Maybe it’s on the soundtrack to “Horton Hears a Who!” Just kidding…I hope…Kat does sound good and Internet reports say her next CD will be more AC, which is what her last one should’ve been. I know you “Open Toe” fans are disappointed…
9:40 David says they are working together on a CD…David says he’s doing “Idol” reports on “Access Hollywood” throughout the “Idol” season…Kat says, “Thanks for having me back”…After the break…