Poor Jared, Sabrina and Sundance. Not only were they voted of “Idol,” but they were unfortunate enough to be voted off the same week as Antonella.
As I told you last week, the booted contestants do a conference call with the media on Friday. But it wasn’t until today that I finally found comments from anyone other than Antonella—and only on one website.
So, please allow me to make it two…

Sabrina Sloan (whose look of shock was certainly a classic) said she’s headed for a spa to just process everything and then figure out what’s next. All of the judges offered her words of encouragement and told her that unfortunately at this point it’s less about singing than it is about popularity. Haley, who did make it through, was Sabrina’s roommate (You know they plan this stuff out!)…

Jared Cotter is still trying to process his shock at being eliminated, but he says he saw it on the card when Ryan called him to the stage. He also said he doesn’t understand what Paula meant by the fact that he needed more “coloring,” saying that he doesn’t think Paula always understands what Paula means. I understood what she meant, Jared. You’re boring…

For Sundance Head, the day was a double whammy. After the show, he went to see the “Idol” psychiatrist (Who knew?) and found out that his second cousin had died in a house fire. Sundance also said that he had the most number of votes of all the guys in the two weeks before (I’ll take his word for that.), so he thinks that maybe America thought he was safe and didn’t vote for him. Next week, he planned to do “Reflections,” which I think might have been cool…

And finally, Antonella, who has dominated the headlines for the past two weeks, said she wants to be remembered as a singer and not for the photos (Fat chance of that, honey.). The reporters, however, weren’t playing along and the “Idol” PR Rep jumped in to stop the questions when Antonella was pressed about which pictures were actually of her. The rep later said that Antonella was about to break down. As for future plans, she’s going to stay in Los Angeles for a few weeks to field offers. And as for “Playboy,” she said no, but then told “EW” that she wanted to look at all offers—including men’s magazines.
I guess that means we haven’t seen the last of Antonella. Great…
Labels: Eliminated Contestants