Did Taylor tick off the wrong people?

The month-long delay for the first single, choosing to release Daughtry’s CD first, and the lack of promotion (Why didn’t he appear on “Idol”?) all seemed to indicate that Taylor didn’t have the backing that previous Idols had.
Now, we may no why…
This week’s “Entertainment Weekly” reports Taylor may have made some enemies while recording his album. “EW” quotes an “insider” who says, “He would harp on this notion that he’d been doing music for 10 years, but if he were any good, he would’ve had a deal nine and a half years ago!” The insider says that Taylor “p---ed people off.”
“EW” adds that his “resistance to the label’s ideas may have hurt his support internally.” Taylor’s manager says “the charges are blown out of proportion” and that Taylor is just a guy who’s still learning to deal with all the attention.
Let me say again that I think Taylor’s CD is good and I appreciate that it’s different from any other Idol CD. However, I think he should have fought his battles on his second CD (a la Kelly Clarkson). Now, he’s in danger of becoming nothing more than the answer to a trivia question: Who is the only “American Idol” winner to not have their debut CD go platinum?...
Labels: Taylor Hicks