Idol Chit-Chat
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Top 12 Results: Another Singer in the Bottom Three

8:27 We’re back…We’re looking to build the Top 10…Colton, Shannon, Deandre, Jessica…Deandre makes a face…Deandre…Recap…Jimmy’s comments are going to be interesting…Jimmy says maybe it was the wrong song, but ultimately it’s their choice. Deandre came in with three choices and they weren’t exciting, so they made suggestions and he chose “Endless Love.” Jimmy says he did better in rehearsal and he could be in trouble…Colton…Jimmy says it was the wrong song like Steven says and that Randy confused him by saying the song doesn’t matter. Yeah, I was confused by that too. Clearly Randy likes Colton…Shannon…Jimmy says she pushed too hard last night. When she pushes she shows her weaknesses. I totally agree…Jessica…Jimmy says he supported her choice to do an upbeat song but she screamed last night and that messed her up. He says if she goes home “we should all go home”…Randy says again that it’s not about the songs. Songwriters everywhere are thrilled to hear that…

8:33 Colton…safe…Deandre…Ryan makes him hang tight…Jessica…safe…Deandre and Shannon…One safe, other in bottom three…Deandre…safe. YIKES! Didn’t see that one…Shannon in bottom three. Heejun looks sick…After the break…