Top 12 Results: The Bottom Three Begins
8:09 We’re back…Ryan reminds us of the Judges’ Save that they can use once before the top five…Ford commercial…“Ghost Town”…Haunted house. Some are investigators and some are ghosts. Fittingly, Jermaine is a ghost…
8:10 Wonder if he’ll ask any of them about Jermaine? Guess not…Phillip, Skylar, Elise and Joshua…The urinal chairs are set up…Phillip…Recap…Jimmy says he went far beyond the call of duty and that he’s rooting for him…Skylar…Jimmy says she’s better than she was last night but she will stay. Of course, he’s still complaining about her song choice…Elise…Jimmy says she killed it and blew his mind and will be in it for the long haul. Not sure America will agree there, Jimmy…Joshua…Jimmy says Percy Sledge loved it. He says all the Interscope people should eat crawfish before they sing. He says it is a two-horse race, but it will become a three horse race next week…Ryan asks JLo who that third horse is and she talks around it…
8:15 Ryan reads email from Percy Sledge, who says he’s very proud of Joshua…Dim the lights…Joshua…Safe…Phillip…Safe…Joshua went to the wrong place. He was running to the stools behind Ryan…Elise and Skylar, one in bottom three…Elise…Bottom three. Told ya, Jimmy. Elise walks away dejected. She is not happy…After the break…
Here’s the thing, Elise. It wasn’t your performance. You were great. The show did you wrong with the whole twist thing last week when you should’ve gone home. The question is, if Elise is the lowest votegetter—which she could very well be—will the judges save her? As they did last week? Hmmm…