Top 12 Performance Show: My Thoughts on Jermaine's Departure
So a guy gives a false name to the police twice, has four outstanding warrants against him and he gets a better and more heartfelt goodbye than most contestants in “Idol” history. You’ve got to be kidding me…
The big “confrontation” by the show’s producers, Ken Warwick and Nigel Lythgoe, looked like too stern headmasters scolding a student for putting a tack in a teacher’s chair. It was unbelievably lame. And they acted like Jermaine did nothing wrong. He LIED…TO POLICE! That is WRONG with a capital W. The show shouldn’t have passed it off like nothing. And for him to be able to share part of the song he was going to do this week like he was leaving due to some terrible illness or family emergency just glamorized it even more.
But worst of all for the show, it did nothing to convince people that this entire thing wasn’t some elaborate ratings stunt. If anything, it probably just cemented those opinions for people. And it did nothing to change my opinion that we are seeing the beginning of the end of the show…
Back with my thoughts about who’s going home—if anyone is going home—in a moment…