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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Top 8 Results Show: Are Scotty and Lauren The First "Idol" Super Duo?

8:00 Yes, we get it. “Rio” is hitting theaters tomorrow…Dramatic intro…“If you want it bad enough, you must take it”…Opening credits…It will be interesting to see if Ryan mentions the vote count tonight…

8:02 Judges intro…Check out the gold in JLo’s dress…Ryan intro….A sign in the audience says, “Steven is the most beautiful man in the world.” NICE!...Over 53 million votes. Well that answered my question. The fans did rally…Ryan previews Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson and Rihanna…Small groups again…Lauren and Scotty are dueting with Lady Antebellum’s “American Honey.” I think they’re just trying to pick out what song these two are going to do together on the tour…They should really record these for download…Man, Scotty is milking this one for all it’s worth…I think he’s flirting with her a little bit…They end up standing in front of the judges’ table, but Ryan doesn’t pull them back. We’ll hear results after the break…