Was the Top 13 the Big Surprise?
That’s the question I’ve been asking all day today, but I still don’t have the answer…
USAToday.com, which was on the scene at last night’s Top 13 party, had an interview with executive producer Ken Warwick. From the post by Bill Keveney:
“He said Thursday's shocker was not the surprise he has been promising for the final round that starts Tuesday (8 p.m. ET/PT).”
Now, USAToday.com has steered us a little wrong already once this season, but I truly believe that there is another “surprise” to come.
Consider this, also from Keveney:
“’Idol producers had been talking about the possibility of adding a finalist for a couple of weeks,’ executive producer Ken Warwick said.
Producers thought ‘we might be in trouble when we come to the wild card because it's almost unfair to get rid of two kids if they're really, really great,’ said Warwick, who also attended Thursday's party. ‘We discussed it beforehand and if we got to the point where it was needed, then we would do it.’
He said he made the decision during Thursday's show, after consulting with judge Simon Cowell during a commercial break. ‘When we got down to the final two tonight, with Matt and Anoop, it became evident actually that, Let's do it. Let's go with the 13 and worry about it afterwards.’”
And this little item…
“At the Idol party, guests received a cardboard Top 13 card with boxes for pictures of the 13 finalists and red Xs for those to be eliminated. With the possibility of 12 or 13 finalists, two versions were printed to cover either outcome, according to Fox publicity.”
If those things are true, then the Top 13 twist was not completely set in stone in January which would mean that was clearly not what Mike Darnell was referring to in his “TV Week” interview.
So what is the big surprise?
Some blogs are speculating that “Idol” is going to add more of a reality element to the show by adding some behind-the-scenes footage since the contestants are living together in a house. Darnell did hint about that in his interview.
But would he call that a big surprise?
If you've read my earlier blogs, you know that I've been speculating the big surprise is an appearance by Michael Jackson.
I guess we'll all find out together next week...