Random Thoughts From the Bluegrass State...
Tonight we’re in Louisville, which means Ryan will have LOTS of horse racing metaphors…
Here are my random thoughts from the Bluegrass State…
It’s funny that they decided to do a little segment on how to pronounce Louisville, because I was just thinking that they needed to come to some kind of agreement on a pronunciation…
Tiffany (“Hero”) just had to be from Ohio, didn’t she? How tone deaf is her mom? And was it just me or when she “sang” “Because of You,” she sang “I learned to pee on the sidewalk”?...
Wow! “Idol” actually tries some truth telling with Joanna Pacitti (“We Belong”). And before you say Kara gave them no choice, they could have edited that out. However, I think Joanna was a little more successful than they gave her credit for. I’ll have more on that in my recap later tonight…
Ladies and gentlemen, I have just found my hottie for this year and his name is Brent (“Can’t Get Enough of Your Love”). WOW he’s cute! And he’s a Buckeye! Woo-hoo!...
I think Kara’s taking Simon a little too personally. I’m afraid that might get a little old…
Where do I get one of those “American Idol” bats? Those are cool!...
I was just getting ready to write that Matt (“I Don’t Wanna Be”) reminded me of Elliott Yamin when Simon said it. He could be pretty good…
Poor Paula. How cute was it when she freaked out over Ross (“Cara Mia”) drinking through her straw. But can you blame her?...
Sorry I was distracted. Did he say only 10 contestants made it through? Oh wait, that was only day one. In that case, Louisville is doing pretty well…
Alexis (“Dr. Feelgood”) has a great voice and a great story (single mom). She could have a real shot. But did anyone else notice she came out with a guitar? Was there some kind of edit there?...
What was up with Randy and Kara singing “I’ve Been Workin’ on the Railroad”?...

Funniest moment of the season so far. When Ryan, hearing all the shouting during Aaron’s audition said, “What the h—l?” and went into the audition room…
I’ve decided that Kara is just too in love with the sound of her own voice. Why else would she get so excited she’d break her ring…
Ryan, you’re a good-looking guy. Could you try to wear a decent-looking shirt?...

I would’ve liked to have seen more of Ryan from Cincinnati who sang “I was born by the river…” (Sorry, the title is not coming to me.)…
Leneshe had the best original song I’ve ever heard on the show. And “Breakaway” as she greeted her family? Nice! Man, those editors are on this year…
19 make it through to Hollywood from Louisville. Next up, Jacksonville…
I’ll be back with my recap in a minute…
Photos Credit: Michael Becker/FOX