Random Thoughts From San Francisco...
We’re down to an hour tonight, thank goodness, because these two-hour marathon episodes get to be way too much for me…
So here are my random thoughts from the city by the bay…
Sadly, San Fran did not get off to the best start. They spent 7 MINUTES with Tatiana (“Never Loved A Man”)?! And how annoying was that laugh? Who could blame Ryan for running away? Frankly, I didn’t figure she could carry a tune, let alone go to Hollywood, but she surprised me—although I don’t think they should have let her through. I’m thinking that she might become a story on Group Day in Hollywood if she gets that far…
“We Built This City” as an audition song? Seriously?...
How cute was it when Simon hugged Jesus’ (“Unchained Melody”) son, Gabriel? And neither of those cuties every let go of their signs…
The show is doing a great job of using music this year and “You Found Me” was a great choice to complete Jesus’ story…
How crazy was Dalton (“Ooh, Baby Baby”) with that Rubik’s Cube? Too bad he couldn’t sing…
It’s clear that San Francisco didn’t produce that many contestants that will have an impact on the show, seeing as how we’re half-an-hour in and we’ve only seen six or seven people…
I know they’re just playing it up to generate drama, but I think Simon and Kara could really make things interesting down the road…

I would’ve liked to have seen more of John (“Overjoyed”)…
Is it just me or did Raquel (“Son of a Preacher Man”) look like Antonella Barba? Uh-oh…
Yes, Adam (“Bohemian Rhapsody”) was theatrical, but he was good. And did you notice Kara’s use of strategy? She wanted to hear what Simon was voting before she voted in case he didn’t like him…
If Kai (“Smoke Gets In Your Eyes”) couldn’t sing, I would’ve cried. But fortunately he had a GORGEOUS tone and a beautiful story. I hope he goes far.
“I Can Only Imagine”? NICE!...
Wow, there are so many people to root for this year…
12 people made it through? Wow, San Fran was uneventful, wasn’t it?
“We’re out”? Come on, Ryan, do it for us just once. Please…
I’ll have my San Fran recap in a sec…
Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX