Kimberley Stirs Up a Reunion Controversy

But don’t start saving your money for tickets. It’s not going to happen and Kimberley blames Clay…
In the September 15th issue of “Billboard,” Kimberley said the trio was “in talks” and that it was “up to our agents and managers to book it.” Kimberley said the working title was “Reunited: 5 Years Later” and that it would hit the road next spring.
But then Kimberley posted a message on her website to “clarify” her comments. Speaking about the “Billboard” interview, she wrote, “I went on to say in that interview that I had spoken with them about a reunion concert tour idea and that Ruben and Clay were game for it because they told me they were. In fact, in my last conversation with Clay he suggested that my manager and agents contact his. They did. And they have spoken. And in telling ‘Billboard’ we were ‘in talks’ and ‘Now it’s up to our agents and managers to book it,’ I was being truthful in the information that I had received. I told Billboard I was ‘hopeful’ that the tour would come together. (That didn’t get printed.) In no way did I imply that we were all committed to this tour idea. So contrary to Clay feeling ‘unfortunate’ that the story ‘found its way to the press unauthorized,’ it was not ‘unauthorized.’ It was put out there by me, who conceived the touring idea and called my friends for their involvement. If Clay had chosen to return my phone calls over the last two months, he would perhaps not feel as ‘unfortunate,’ and he would have been made aware that I mentioned it to ‘Billboard.’ I want to thank the fans of Clay and Ruben and my own who were positive and supportive of this idea, which again, was just an idea. It will now be put to rest.”
I do believe them’s fightin’ words…
If I find Clay’s statement on the matter, I’ll be sure to pass it on…