Bucky Gets a Thumbs Up From the Ashland Crowd
So yesterday I finally got a review from someone who was at Bucky's concert in Ashland Saturday night--my fiance.
Of course, he was there to see Jamie O'Neal...
But it was Bucky he was impressed with. He said he put on a great, high energy show and that he was very personable.
I have heard some complaints from others that Bucky did too many covers during the concert, but the fans who were there didn't seem to mind. My fiance said the women absolutely loved him.
And Bucky returned the love by saying that Poage Landing Days was one of his favorite festivals.
As to why all the covers, I really have no idea. Maybe he doesn't want to wear out his songs.
You can see lots of pictures from the concert on the Julie Thacker Photography blog here...