The Idol Concert: My Final Thoughts

Interestingly, AEG Live (the promoters of the show) sent out an e-mail survey asking if concertgoers preferred this year’s format. I said in my survey that I hoped they did stick with it since it kept things a little more interesting. And the stage was much improved with some special effects and a video screen that showed the Idols’ show performances as they performed on stage. It was a nice touch, especially during Jordin’s “This Is My Now”…
Kudos should also go to the concert sponsors, "Pop-Tarts" and "TV Guide." I know they're probably disappointed that the concert isn't getting as much buzz (or as many people), but their giveaways of magazines and Pop-Tarts are both great ideas...
All in all, it was a good concert. And believe it or not, I think it may have been better than last year’s—not because the performances were stronger (because I’m not sure that they were), but because it was a better overall show.

With the right performers, they could really be onto something here. So I hope they don’t change it back.
And not raising the ticket prices again would help…
So what were your thoughts on the concert? Feel free to share them by posting a comment or sending me an e-mail at
Be sure to send your concert pictures to for the online photo gallery…