Idol Chit-Chat
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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Top 13 Results: The Bottom Threes Begin to Be Built

8:10 We’re back…The Top 13 are on the couch…Ford Music Video…“Big Time”…The Idols are giants watching the Fords drive through the city streets. Did they just film it today because Erika is wearing the same outfit she is tonight…

8:11 Ryan is building the bottom three girls and bottom three guys…Video of Jimmy Iovine talking about how difficult it was for girls and guys to do Stevie and Whitney. Not sure what the purpose of that was…Elise…Hollie…Jessica…I guess they wanted to intro Jimmy’s comments…Elise…Did JLo actually say, “Whitney’s a beast?”…Jimmy says Elise is in trouble and that she got hit with the Whitney Houston stick…Does anyone else think these comments are slightly inappropriate…Jimmy says she delivered…Jessica…40 million people? Steven, what universe are you in where 40 million people are watching “Idol”?...Jimmy says it was one of the best “Idol” performances ever, but he interestingly says that she reacts to the applause a little early and gets overconfident. I agree with that …Jessica is safe…Elise is in the bottom three. No surprise there…Hollie is safe…And the bottom three get the urinal chairs. That’s not fair…

8:16 Heejun, Jermaine and Colton…I think Jermaine is in the bottom three guys—but that doesn’t mean he didn’t get a lot of votes, remember. It’s just the bottom three GUYS…Jimmy says the song showed off all of his flaws and that he needs a lot of work…Jimmy is concerned that he hasn’t found his truth yet…Jermaine…Jimmy says he had an internal battle going on that he lost…Jermaine says he kind of disagrees with Jimmy…Dim the lights…Colton…safe with a classic Ryan fakeout…Heejun and Jermaine. One safe, one in bottom three…Heejun…safe. Jermaine in the bottom three, but I don’t think he’s the bottom male votegetter…After the break…