Michael Kicks Us Off...
Tonight is kind of important for the Idols. Not only are they trying not to embarrass themselves with country songs, but they’re also vying for a spot on the Idol tour…
So I guess we’re going to continue with the cheesy intro. Who wants to bet they’re doing that just to get the judges to show up on time? But man that’s a lot of steps for Ryan to come down…
Let’s get this thing started…
Michael Sarver, “Ain’t Goin’ Down ‘Til the Sun Comes Up”: 13
Now, before you guys crucify me, let me just say that I had to give low scores in song choice, personality and stage presence because this was just too lifeless. He was so worried about getting all of the words right that he just kind of roamed around in a daze. But he sounded pretty good. However, someone should have reminded the director that Michael was the contestant and not the harmonica player. And what is up with Michael’s attitude tonight? He better watch it…
And Vote for the Worst has already gotten one wrong from their song list. I just knew that we couldn’t have country week without that one. Josh Gracin still does it at his shows…