Did America Get It Right?
Before I get to Group #2, let me ask the question I always ask at this time on a results show night. And let me ask it quickly, because “Lost” is on…
Did America get it right? You better believe it…
I actually called it last night, but I still had those nagging doubts about Tatiana. Thankfully, America didn’t pay any attention to the fact that she actually sang decently and remembered her annoying personality. But will the judges remember, or will they bring her back for the drama of it all? That remains to be seen…
As for who else we could possibly see again, I think Ann Marie is a possibility depending on what the other girls do and Brent is a slim possibility, but I wouldn’t bet on it. I would bet on Anoop returning, though. In fact, even if he gives a mediocre performance during the Wild Card show, I’d still say he’s getting one of those three spots. And I would look for Ricky Braddy to return since Paula likes him so much…
What do you guys think? Do you think any of the remaining nine deserve a second chance? Are you happy with the three that advanced? Be sure to post your comments…
Tomorrow, Alexis, Danny and Michael talk to the media. And yes, I will be there—or at least I’ll be on the phone…
Be back with Group #2 in a sec…