And the Final Spot Goes To...
I have to tell you, I feel a little sick. Is there a shocker brewing here?
And poor Danny, he’s in trouble either way. Either he doesn’t get through, or he has to catch Tatiana when she crumbles in tears on the floor…
8:55 We’re back…I am REALLY nervous now. I REALLY hope this bad feeling is wrong…I know there’s the Wild Card, but still…Danny smiles as Tatiana fixes her hair…She’s on the verge of tears now…She says it’s up to America, the power of love, faith, and hard work and she’s so blessed to be here…And it’s…Danny…THANK GOODNESS!...Danny gives her a hug and gets out of the way so Ryan can hug her…She’s in stunned silence or at least she’s acting like she’s in stunned silence…Danny sings “Hero”…What do you know? America gets it completely right…Danny’s friend in the Red Room shows the camera a picture of Danny and his wife…The director insists on cutting back to Tatiana multiple times to catch her tears…Even Brent is smiling…I can’t believe we have to wait three weeks to hear him again…Okay, quit cutting away from Danny to show Tatiana. We get it, she’s upset. Give Danny his moment…Michael and Alexis hug Danny…
8:59 A reminder about next week’s shows…The introduction of Group #2. I’ll get those to you in a minute…
9:00 And we’re out…