And the Final Spot Goes To...
8:55 We’re back…Okay, America. Did you do the right thing?...Adam looks worried…Nick is not through. Wow, Ryan did that one really quickly. Thanks a lot, Kara, for all that babbling…Adam says he didn’t know what was going to happen because he thought Nick was hilarious…He does “Satisfaction”…Nick looks like he’s okay with it. I think he’s just as surprised as anyone else that he made it this far…I just don’t know why I can’t get excited about Adam’s performance…
8:58 He’s greeted by the rest of the Idols and gets a big hug from Danny…Ryan mentions the Wild Card and Simon says they’re going to bring back a selection of contestants they think deserve another chance and we will probably see one or two from tonight. There is no mention of people from outside the Top 36…
8:59 Group #3 is named. I’ll have more on that in a moment…
9:00 We’re out…