Idol Chit-Chat
This is your place to discuss all things "American Idol." The performances, the judges, the past contestants — it’s all right here.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

And the First to Go Through Is...

8:01 25 million votes…Alexis, Danny and Michael have to sit on the urinal chairs awaiting the newest members of the Top 12…

8:02 Video of Group #1’s journey…

8:04 Oh lord, group song…Ne-Yo’s “Closer”…Matt G. and Adam…Matt B. and Kai…Nick and Kris. I’m not sure Nick knows the words…Girls…Wow, Jeanine loves those Daisy Dukes, doesn’t she? And she’s teamed them with a plaid shirt just like Daisy. Not gonna help you, darlin’…They actually don’t sound that bad…You can see Nick wanting to let Norman out…And he does a little bit…Break with an unseen audition we “won’t want to miss.” I smell a FOX promo…

8:07 Ooh! Tom Colicchio doing a Diet Coke commercial! Awesome!

8:09 The clip is a chick doing the “Shoop Shoop Song.” I didn’t think it was all that bad. What was the point of that?...

8:11 We’re back…Recap. Ryan calls it “the eclectic mix”…

8:14 Ryan talks to Nick about what we can expect if he doesn’t make it through. He says he’s looking for employment...Ryan asks Matt B. if the judges were too hard on him. He says we all have a lot to learn. Matt B. tries to make amends with Simon…Ryan asks Jesse about song choice. She says, “You’re asking me. That’s funny.” She says she picked the right one…Jeanine says “less could have been more.” Ryan points out she’s still showing the same amount of legs…

8:16 Ryan shows off the urinal chairs…Lights dimmed…Allison joins Ryan. She’s going first? Hmmm…Ryan puts her over to the side…He brings down Jesse…He puts her next to Allison…He brings down Matt B…Wow, how long do they practice these things?…He puts Matt with the girls…Ryan asks Randy which of them is going to the Top 12. He says he hopes it’s Allison…It’s…Allison…So Matt B. is out…She gets hugs from Danny, Michael and Alexis…She sings “Alone.”…Hey, she actually showed a little personality there…Break