My Random Thoughts From Salt Lake City...
If you are reading this right now, that most likely means you are home safe and sound and you are one of the lucky ones to have electricity. Stay in and bundle up, gang, it’s only going to get worse tonight…
Here are my random thoughts from Salt Lake City as I was watching…
Move over ringer Brent Keith. I now have a new favorite—David Osmond (“Something Within Me”). Did the judges seriously hesitate that much or was it just edited that way? That was a very lucid comment from Paula about his song choice, but I don’t care. The guy was awesome. And he’s an Osmond! They’re invading reality TV (If you haven’t heard, Donny is doing “Dancing With the Stars.)…

The producers actually had Ryan tell the contestants to fight back? Interesting…
Frankie (“You Know I’m No Good”) had the attitude of someone who can’t sing, so I was a little surprised. And “Frankie Goes to Hollywood”? Wow, Ryan. How long have you waited to use that one…
I can’t help but wonder how Megan (“Can’t Help Lovin’ That Man of Mine”) will do with contemporary songs…
Boy, that preview of the Kelly Clarkson video was short, wasn’t it? I LOVE that song so much…
David Cook’s “A Daily AntheM” for the montage. Nice! Maybe they should consider that for the goodbye song this year...
I agree with the judges that Train is never a good choice for an audition song, but I’m glad they let Austin (“When I Look to the Sky” and “It Takes a Village”) through anyway…
Notice that Taylor (“Joyful, Joyful”) never stood next to Ryan. That’s what I wanted to see…
Rose (“I Feel the Earth Move”) was not nearly as good as I thought she’d be after all the hype. I think she’ll struggle with contemporary songs…
My recap is coming up…
Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX