Syesha's "Coming Out"
9:31 We’re back…David is on the sofa waiting…Syesha comes out…She gets some screams, but that one girl sounds like she’ll scream at anything…Syesha’s homecoming video to “I’m Coming Out”…A woman just hands her baby to Syesha without hesitation and Syesha freaks out a little. Can’t blame her there…Syesha breaks down after the mayor of Bradenton declares it her day…Song change to something moody about home…She had big crowds, but they didn’t look like they came anywhere close to David A.’s crowds…Syesha in the FOX affiliate helicopter. That’s a nice chopper…Okay, THAT’S a big crowd…She breaks down again when they chant her name…And she totally loses it in the limo…She holds a snow globe of Sarasota…
9:36 Back to the studio…Ryan recaps her performances…Ryan asks if she thinks Paula was too hard on her and she says no. Simon says she was…Syesha’s “Idol” journey to “I Believe.” So what’s the deal? Last night they screw her over and now they’re rolling out a dramatic goodbye? I guess they owe her…So does this mean we won’t hear “Celebrate Me Home” tonight? Aw, that’s a shame…Break…