Fantasia, um...
9:07 We’re back…Ford ad: “Heaven” by Los Lonely Boys…The Idols go to a fortune teller and see a glimpse of living large, with Fords, of course. That was probably the best one of those all season…
9:08 Recap…They repeat Randy calling Syesha “number three”…That recap even showed David A. struggling. How could the judges not acknowledge that just a little? It wouldn’t make a difference in the end…So did David C. switch his song at the last minute. “The World I Know” would have worked better…So who told Paula to tell Syesha she wouldn’t make the finals? I have never heard Paula say anything that pointed to a contestant…
9:11 Time for Fantasia to perform…Her song is “Bore Me”…What’s up with those dancing backup singers?…And what is up with that bright orange hair?…Sorry, I’ve never been a fan. I voted for Diana…I can’t really understand all the lyrics, but I think she’s singing about her boyfriend hooking up with another girl. I’m not sure this is all that appropriate…Did you catch the girls in the front laughing at her?…The camera catches Simon staring at the stage with his mouth wide open and then he sees the camera is on him…The judges clap for the end, but Simon clearly rolls his eyes…I’m with Simon. That was scary…Break…