David A.'s Homecoming
9:19 We‘re back…Tour plug. I’m wavering again on whether to go or not…The three are standing backstage…They’re going to start the results now?…David A. out first…I think they’re conning us and are actually just introducing the Homecoming videos…David’s video…He’s impressed that his high school cheerleaders are there. Remember, he is still in high school…David continues his modesty by saying he doesn’t think very many people will be at the mall to see him. Yeah, right…And David breaks down. That’s actually kind of sweet…David asks where all the people parked…Is that David’s mom? Why don’t we see more of her and less of Jeff?…Speaking of which, there he is with a big close-up…David sings “Imagine.” I think that should be his repeat song in next week’s finale…
9:24 We’re back to David A. and Ryan…David’s embarrassed that they showed him crying so much…Ryan recaps his performances…The girls scream at “With You.” Probably because that was the only song he did last night that they knew…Ryan reminds us it’s a close race and tells us this could be David’s last night…A recap of David’s time on “Idol.” I don’t think they usually do this. Man, we’re stalling…It’s the song they should have stuck with for the goodbye song, “Best Days”…Break…See, I told you they weren’t going to start the results yet. That was a terrible segue, Ryan. I’m disappointed in you…