The Night's First Shocker
9:07 We’re back…Recap…Man, those people in the audience are annoying. Have they always been that bad or are they just encouraging that behavior because of the new set?...
9:11 Ryan points out the couch on the right and three of the urinal stools on the left for the bottom three. Ryan brings out Brooke White…Oh lord, we’re going to do this one at a time? Holy cow! Stupid writers’ strike! Bring back the half-hour results!...Brooke is in the top 10…
9:12 Carly Smithson walks out as Ryan shows Brooke which part of the couch she should sit on…AND SHE’S IN THE BOTTOM THREE?! WHAT?!...Randy and Paula say America got it wrong…I was so sure she was safe, I was just typing about Brooke and not even paying attention to what Ryan said…
9:14 David Archuleta…He’s going on the tour…Michael Johns…He defends his song choice…He’s safe…I told you he got enough sympathy votes…Carly is pretty upset, but she’s trying really hard to hide it. Could this be the backlash finally catching up to her…
9:15 After the break…