Idol Chit-Chat
This is your place to discuss all things "American Idol." The performances, the judges, the past contestants — it’s all right here.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

An Emotional "Idol" First

So during the break, I checked, and sure enough, they championed Amanda. I’m sure they’ll take the credit for her sticking around…

8:35 We’re Back…Lights down for girls…Front row…Carly, Alaina, Ramiele, Syesha and Kady…Carly…safe…Ramiele…safe…Uh-oh…Syesha…SAFE! Thank goodness…That leaves Kady and Alaina…One of them got the lowest vote total and the other was in the bottom three, but is safe. Interesting…Kady…safe…Alaina is leaving. I’m one for two on the girls tonight…Alaina starts bawling and Kady hugs her. She says that she can’t sing. Ryan gives her a hug…Ryan tries to pump her up…Paula gives her a standing ovation and fights back tears…So much for Simon’s dark horse…Paula says this is the start of an amazing career…Ryan’s still trying to pump her up…Ryan actually gives her a choice as to whether she sings or not. Woah! She says it will sound terrible, but the other girls talk her into it…Ryan invites the other girls down to help her out. An “Idol” first…David A. is crying again, as is Danny Noriega…Ramiele is crying…Paula gives her another standing ovation…Alaina gets it together and moves out in front of the girls…Okay, now I’m crying…Ryan pulls it back together and promises us some important “Idol” news. About “Idol Gives Back” maybe?...Break…Good. Now I can pull myself together…